python flask application running on nginx via uwsgi on a single docker container. no database
this currently only works if you've got a account. other bookeeping services could be added if their apis are available.
a pdf is sent to rossum's elis document scanning service. the relevant information scraped from the document is then submitted into kashflow's api as a purchase
uses this docker image to base the build on: loads of work done by @tiangolo to get this to work so well. thanks
bulma is used to style the html. vuejs is used to keep state in the browser.
the frontend scripts dont access the 3rd party apis directly. the requests are proxied via the running python script.
flask (and jinja templates) are used to return json,files or html to the browser via these routes
- / - HTML [GET]
- /login - HTML [GET] | application/json [POST]
- /logout - HTML [GET] | application/json [POST]
- /static/[filename] - FILE [GET]
- /invoices - application/json [GET|POST]
- /uploads/[filename] - FILE [GET]
- /shield/[text]/[text]/[colour] - xml/svg [GET]
- /test - text/plain [GET]
further documentation is required for the route parameters and return data
the Dockerfile will build an image with the required settings. when ran the resulting container will run as it starts. when you first build the docker image all the python includes should also be installed via pip - see app/requirements.txt
see @tiangolo's docs for configuration options
pip install --trusted-host -r requirements.txt
$ env1/bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ env2/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
localhost:8080 is mapped to container:80
go to directory with Dockerfile. run:
docker build -t [new-tag]/[new-image-name] .
this is not for a packaged project. just a single script running in a stand alone container
remove the FLASK_DEBUG flag in production
docker run -d --name [new-container-name] -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/app:/app -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 [your-usernam]/[your-image-name] flask run --host= --port=80