- opt+cmd+arrow: move across splits
- Or [] +arrow
- vd: Open diagnostic float.
- <C-h/t/n/s>: Navigate Harpoon files.
- a: Add file to Harpoon.
- Ctrl+o: Go back (previous file).
- ef: Find files.
- C+p: Find files (all).
- C+w+=: Make split windows equal.
- C-v: Go to file section as a split.
- C-t: Go to a file in a new tab.
- C-ˆ: alternate files
- gd: Go to definition.
- es: Grep for name.
- Shift-K: Show floating definition.
- o: Move to the other end of highlighted text.
- yiW: Yank (copy) the current word including punctuation
- ggVG: Select whole file.
- Ctrl+V -> Shift I -> //: Comment whole block.
- Shift + I/A: Beginning and end of line insert.
- *: Set current element as search pattern.
- n: Move to the next occurrence.
- f: Move to character, F for backward.
- vit: Select inside tag (HTML).
- y: Copy to clipboard.
- u: Show UndotreeToggle (GitHub).
- p: Paste from clipboard
- (in insert mode): Escape to normal mode
- : Move half-page down
- : Move half-page up
- N: Moves to the prev (occurrence)
- ;: Repeat the last f, F, t, or T motion (forward)
- ,: Repeat the last f, F, t, or T motion (backward)
- r: Replace the character under the cursor
- D: Remove everything from the cursor to the end of the line
- :%s/from/to or s: Replace text from 'from' to 'to'
- ciW: Change (delete and enter insert mode) inside the current word
- ci"({: Change (delete and enter insert mode) inside the specified characters
- vi{(<...: Select inside the specified characters
- va{(: Select around the specified characters
- vaW: Select all text until the next whitespace
- vip: Select the current paragraph
- viw: Select the current word
- yow: Yank (copy) the current "word" (consecutive text)
- J (in visual mode): Join the selected lines
- K (in visual mode): Move the selected text up
- J (in normal mode): Join the current line with the next one, without spacing
- vws: Search workspace symbols
- [d and ]d: Navigate diagnostics
- F3: Show code actions
- vrr: Show references
- F2: Rename symbol
- K: Hover to see details
- and (in insert mode): Navigate suggestions
- (in insert mode): Show signature help
- gc: Git commit
- gp: Git push
- C-w-h / C-w-v: Move to a split horizontally/vertically
- C-x: Split window horizontally
- f: Format the current document
- D: Create a new directory
- %: Create a new file