The purpose of this demo is to get lv-binding-rust (Lvgl) running on the M5Stack development board
M5Stack Basic Development Kit V1.0 with 16M Flash
This application shows how to use lv-binding-rust crate on the M5Stack. The program displays a clock time on a blue backgound screen. The clock time is a simulated time of 21:00 to 21::59 where the seconds are incremented each second and repeats the 00-59 seconds forever.
The partition-table folder contains a file called partitons.csv. This file increases the default factory/app partiton from the default of 1M to 3M. This allows us more space for our program and since the flash size is 16M this should not be a problem. This file will be called when we flash the device.
The custom-fonts folder contains our custom fonts. The customs fonts are converted from TTF fonts using lvgl online font converter at I used to find a font I liked and then downloaded the font. In the lvgl-online-font-converter I used the font name plus the font size for the name of the font. I chose Bpp of 2 bit-per-pixel and set the range of 0x30-0x3A since I only need numbers and the ":" character. After clicking on "Convert" the file will be downloaded. I placed this downloaded file (*.c) into the custom-fonts folder. Then I created a header file which has an extern to my *.c file, along with changing the ifndef and define names.
To use this custom font, I added LVGL_FONTS_DIR = {relative = true, value = "custom-fonts"}
to my config.toml under [env]. This allows our font to be compiled when lvgl is compiled.
The lvgl-configs folder holds the lv_config.h and lv_drv_conf.h files which are required by lvgl to compile. Everything in lv_drv_conf.h file is set to 0 as I am not using the lvgl drivers. I don't think I changed anything in the lv_conf.h file.
I added the following to the "dependencies" section.
esp-idf-hal = { version = "0.42.5" }
esp-idf-sys = { version = "0.33.7" }
cstr_core = "0.2.1"
embedded-graphics-core = "0.4.0"
lvgl = { version = "0.6.2", default-features = false, features = [
] }
lvgl-sys = { version = "0.6.2" }
display-interface-spi = "0.4.1"
mipidsi = "0.7.1"
I also included patch.crates-io section to patch lvgl and lvgl-sys
lvgl = { git = ""}
lvgl-sys = { git = ""}
To get lv-bindings-rust to comple and build I made the following changes to the config.toml file.
target = "xtensa-esp32-espidf"
linker = "ldproxy"
# runner = "espflash --monitor" # Select this runner for espflash v1.x.x
runner = "espflash flash --monitor" # Select this runner for espflash v2.x.x
rustflags = [
# Extending time_t for ESP IDF 5:
# Added the following 2 entries so lvgl will build without getting string.h file not found
build-std = ["std", "panic_abort"]
MCU = "esp32"
# Note: this variable is not used by the pio builder (`cargo build --features pio`)
ESP_IDF_VERSION = "v5.1.1"
# The directory that has the lvgl config files - lv_conf.h, lv_drv_conf.h
DEP_LV_CONFIG_PATH = { relative = true, value = "lvgl-configs" }
# Required to make lvgl build correctly otherwise get wrong file type
CROSS_COMPILE = "xtensa-esp32-elf"
# Directory for custom fonts (written in C) that Lvgl can use
LVGL_FONTS_DIR = {relative = true, value = "custom-fonts"}
I updated my fork of lv-binding-rust to include PR153 ie the changes recommended by madwizard-thomas.
I used the following command to flash the M5Stack.
$ cargo espflash flash --partition-table=partition-table/partitions.csv --monitor
- initial release