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engin manap edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 4 revisions

#Cuvcuv Raytracer

Standford Dragon

This is a raytracer that can import multiple obj/mtl files, apply arbitrary transformations on them and render with high performance. Rendering is multithreaded using openmp.

It supports unlimited vertex data and face definition with up to 20 vertex rendered as triangle fan, with per vertex normal and texture support. sphere primitive is also supported, in scene description. Antialiasing and soft shadows are supported using Monte carlo technique. Blinn-phong shading is available, so specular/diffuse light can be used, reflection and refraction is also available depending on material properties. Dissolve transparency is supported, refraction is too.

The scene is partitioned using octree structure before render, and all render steps are tightly optimised to minimize time, it can render stanford dragon under 3 seconds (full runtime on a core2quad).

Credits: Engin Manap

Thanks: Sean T. Barrett. for PNG output and texture loading. you can check his work at

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