This week we're going to be writing some HTML and CSS.
Go to
, you should now see a list of articles.
The goal of this exercise is to "copy" this page using only HTML and CSS.
Mandatory goals:
Look very similar to the original
Have more than one example articles
HTML should focus on structure and be semantic
CSS should be the only thing giving style
Create a Rails app with your code (static content)
Add dynamic content to the page
- Should I write CSS inline?
No. This is what inline CSS looks like:
<div style="color: red;">Some content</div>
You should not do this, unless you are styling an email message.
- How to install Rails?
After having Ruby set up, run gem install rails
. If at some point you are
requested to run this command with sudo
, don't. That means your doing
something wrong.
- How to generate a migration?
First of all, you only need a migration when trying to solve part 6 of the
exercise. If you are doing that, run rails generate migration create_posts