The project Partizione Antica. Looking for a XIXth century art historian, has been realized for the 90154 - Electronic Publishing and Digital Storytelling course, taught by Prof. Marilena Daquino for the 2st year DHDK Master Degree, a.a. 2021-22.
The project aims to visualizes some characteristics of the Partizione Antica of the Supino photographic Archival fund that has been analysed using both structured metadata and unstructured data from handwritten annotations on the photographs.
The website presenting the project is accessible here.
The project and derivative data are distributed under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
- Enrica Zani: data extraction and cleaning, data analysis - content editing, data visualization - web development and digital storytelling
Original images and data are published for illustrative and didactical purposes only.
For any request of use, please refer to:
- images CC-BY-NC-ND: Biblioteca delle Arti. Sezione di Arti visive "I. B. Supino". Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
- OA and F records: Fondazione "Federico Zeri".