ENN Trainer allow you to train reinforcement learning agents for Entity Gym environments with PPO or behavioral cloning.
pip install enn-trainer
pip install torch==1.12.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html
pip install torch-scatter -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.12.0+cu113.html
Training policy for an entity-gym example environment:
python -m enn_trainer.train env.id=Xor
List all available hyperparameters:
python -m enn_trainer.train --hps-info
Setting up a training script for a custom entity-gym environment (replace TreasureHunt
with your environment):
from enn_trainer import TrainConfig, State, init_train_state, train
from entity_gym.examples.tutorial import TreasureHunt
import hyperstate
@hyperstate.stateful_command(TrainConfig, State, init_train_state)
def main(state_manager: hyperstate.StateManager) -> None:
train(state_manager=state_manager, env=TreasureHunt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can find more detailed guides and an API reference on the documentation website. If you run into issues or have a question, feel free to open an issue or ask on discord.