A desktop application built with Angular, Electron js, and Clarity by VMware. Made for people who want quick access to their favorite links stored locally with the ability to create global shortcuts to launch their favorite sites.
- Customizable, sortable categories
- Customizable bookmark names and colors
- Sortable button layout for bookmarks
- Global shortcuts to launch a website/websites
- Table view for viewing all bookmarks
- Settings for Light/Dark theme, button size, and browser
I have not created a signed installer because this application was mainly for practice and personal use. However you can download the packaged electron application with Windows executable here or package the app yourself as seen the below.
In the applications directory:
- Run
npm install
- Run
ng build --prod
- Run
electron .
Package the app using electron-packager
- Windows:
electron-packager . application-name --platform=win32 --icon=src/assets/logo2.ico
- Mac:
electron-packager . application-name --platform=darwin --icon=src/assets/logo2.ico