This project is an attempt to see if it is possible to create widgets that are platform aware. Currently in order to render targeted Android or iOS device specific styles, you need to either conditionaly check the platform or create a set of widgets to render differently depending on the running platform.
This package only supports at most the Beta release. Dev or Master channels are not supprted.
These set of widgets allow for rendering based on the target platform using a single cross platform set of widget.
Each PlatformWidget
provides common properties directly as constructor arguments. If required further customization can be achieved by using the platform widget builder. See the Enhance section of each widget.
- PlatformWidget
- PlatformText
- PlatformSwitch
- PlatformSlider
- PlatformTextField
- PlatformButton
- PlatformIconButton
- PlatformApp
- PlatformScaffold
- PlatformAppBar
- PlatformNavBar
- PlatformAlertDialog
- PlatformDialogAction
- PlatformCircularProgressIndicator
- PlatformPageRoute
- PlatformProvider
A widget that will render either the android widget or cupertino widget based on the target platform. The widgets themselves do not need to be specifically Material or Cupertino.
return PlatformWidget(
ios: (_) => Icon(CupertinoIcons.flag),
android: (_) => Icon(Icons.flag),
A widget that will render uppercase for Android. iOS will remain unchanged.
return PlatformText('Cancel');
A switch widget that will use a Switch
for android or a CupertinoSwitch
for iOS.
return PlatformSwitch(
onChanged: (bool value) {},
value: value,
return PlatformSwitch(
onChanged: (bool value) {},
value: value,
android: (_) => MaterialSwitchData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoSwitchData(...)
A slider widget that will use a Slider
for android or a CupertinoSlider
for iOS
return PlatformSlider(
onChanged: (bool value) {},
value: value,
return PlatformSlider(
onChanged: (bool value) {},
value: value,
android: (_) => MaterialSliderData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoSliderData(...)
A text field widget that will use a TextField
for android or a CupertinoTextField
for iOS.
return PlatformTextField();
return PlatformTextField(
android: (_) => MaterialTextFieldData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoTextFieldData(...)
A button that will render a RaisedButton
or FlatButton
for android or a CupertinoButton
for iOS.
return PlatformButton(
onPressed: () => print('send'),
child: PlatformText('Send'),
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformButton(
onPressed: () => print('send'),
child: PlatformText('Send'),
android: (_) => MaterialRaisedButtonData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoButtonData(...)
Note: For android you can use the
instead. To do this use theMaterialFlatButtonData
on theandroidFlat
return PlatformButton(
onPressed: () => print('send'),
child: PlatformText('Send'),
androidFlat: (_) => MaterialFlatButtonData()
A clickable (tappable) button with an icon. Uses IconButton
for android or CupertinoButton
for iOS.
return PlatformIconButton(
onPressed: () => print('info pressed'),
iosIcon: Icon(,
size: 28.0,
androidIcon: Icon(
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
Widget infoIconButton() {
return PlatformIconButton(
onPressed: () => print('info pressed'),
iosIcon: Icon(,
androidIcon: Icon(,
android: (_) => MaterialIconButtonData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoIconButtonData(...),
A top level widget for the applciation that uses MaterialApp
for android or CupertinoApp
for iOS.
return PlatformApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
home: ...
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformApp(
home: ...
android: (_) => MaterialAppData(...)
ios: (_) => CupertinoAppData(...)
A Scaffold that provides the correctly hosted header (AppBar) and navigation bar (Bottom Bar) for each platform. Uses Scaffold
for android or CupertinoTabScaffold
for iOS with bottom tabs or CupertinoPageScaffold
for iOS without bottom tabs.
return PlatformScaffold(
appBar: PlatformAppBar()
body: _buildContent(),
bottomNavBar: PlatformNavBar(),
iosContentPadding: false,
iosContentBottomPadding: false
Note that the use of
iosContentPadding = true
is only required if the content is being obstruced behind the appBar.iosContentBottomPadding
is used if the content needs to be above the navBar and not go behind it
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformScaffold(
appBar: PlatformAppBar()
body: _buildContent(),
bottomNavBar: PlatformNavBar(),
android: (_) => MaterialScaffoldData(...)
ios: (_) => CupertinoScaffoldData(...);
Both the android and iOS builders are optional. If not provided the
placeholder widget will be returned.
The AppBar is the top Header bar with a title, leftside or rightside buttons. Uses AppBar
for android or CupertinoNavigationBar
for iOS.
return PlatformAppBar(
title: new Text('Platform Widgets'),
leading: PlatformIconButton()),
trailingActions: <Widget>[
In iOS if a solid color header is required and there is a ListView on the page, you would need to add some alpha to the color so that the ListView is not pushed down too far
appBar: PlatformAppBar(
title: Text('iOS Colored Header'),
ios: (_) => CupertinoNavigationBarData(
// Issue with cupertino where a bar with no transparency
// will push the list down. Adding some alpha value fixes it (in a hacky way)
backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen.withAlpha(254),
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformAppBar(
title: new Text('Platform Widgets'),
leading: PlatformIconButton()),
trailingActions: <Widget>[
android: (_) => MaterialAppBarData(...),
ios: (_)=> CupertinoNavigationBarData(...),
Note: hasNotch has been removed to allow for the widget to work with the change on the development branch of flutter. To work around the breaking change either use the Material
directly or cast the result from PlatformNavBar toBottomAppBar
for android builds and set thehasNotch
property. Otherwise target version 0.2.0
The NavBar is placed at the bottom of the page with a set of buttons that typically navigate between screens. Implementing this widget requires the parent widget to manage the currentIndex
of the page and to set PlatformNavBar.currrentIndex
. Uses BottomAppBar
with BottomNavigationBar
for android or CupertinoTabBar
for iOS.
return PlatformNavBar(
currentIndex: _selectedTabIndex,
itemChanged: (index) => setState(
() {
_selectedTabIndex = index;
items: [
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformNavBar(
currentIndex: _selectedTabIndex,
itemChanged: (index) => setState(
() {
_selectedTabIndex = index;
items: [
android: (_) => MaterialNavBarData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoTabBarData(...),
The AlertDialog will render a caption/title, body/text and a set of action buttons specific for the platform. Uses AlertDialog
for android or CupertinoAlertDialog
for iOS.
Note use
instead of eithershowDialog
from the Material library orshowCupertinoDialog
from the Cupertino library.
context: context,
builder: (_) => PlatformAlertDialog(
title: Text('Alert'),
content: Text('Some content'),
actions: <Widget>[
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
context: context,
builder: (_) => PlatformAlertDialog(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoAlertDialogData(...),
android: (_) => MaterialAlertDialogData(...),
The DialogAction widget is used to describe the set of buttons on the AlertDialog. Uses FlatButton
for android or CupertinoDialogAction
for iOS.
child: PlatformText('Cancel'),
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
child: PlatformText('Cancel'),
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
android: (_) => MaterialDialogActionData(...),
ios: (_) => CupertinoDialogActionData(...),
A circular looking progress indicator. Uses CircularProgressIndicator
for android or CupertinoActivityIndicator
for iOS.
return PlatformCircularProgressIndicator();
Extend with WidgetBuilder
for android or iOS.
return PlatformCircularProgressIndicator(
android: (_) => MaterialProgressIndicatorData(...),
ios: (_)=> CupertinoProgressIndicatorData(...),
This function can be used within the Navigator
to push either the MaterialPageRoute
for android or CupertinoPageRoute
for iOS.
builder: pageToDisplayBuilder,
A Provider that provides access to the functions of swicthing platforms which can be accessed from any screen.
Requires to be placed at the root (above MaterialApp, CupertinoApp or PlatformApp).
return PlatformProvider(
builder: (BuildContext context) MaterialApp(...)
And to switch platforms...
- UI / Unit Tests.
- Code documentation
When importing flutter_platform_widgets
you can check isMaterial
or isCupertino
to determine what style will be used. This is independent to Platform.isAndroid
or Platform.isIOS
from 'import 'dart:io'
See the example code for how this is used.
Please create an issue to provide feedback or an issue.
Inspired by the example given by Swav Kulinski (