A spawned cloud instance should close itself at 6:30PM everyday, this is for your own sake to stop you burning out!
Any vagrant up executions past that time require a 'sudo shutdown -H now' inside the instance before you finish your session. ^^^ This is your first given responsibility.
- 'Fill in required secrets in Vagrantfile at the top of the file'
- 'vagrant up'
- 'vagrant ssh'
- 'vagrant rsync-auto' (In a shell outside the container, this watches and writes file locally to the cloud dev environment)
- '/vagrant/./provision.sh' inside the instance (THEN exit and vagrant ssh again to use docker without sudo!)
- 'cd /vagrant; docker-compose run -e host='public-dns goes here' --service-ports web bash' (Inside the instance in your vagrant ssh session)
Start coding!
=== TODO
- 'git clone this repo'
- Install docker toolbox
- 'docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default'
- 'eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- 'cd /ecommerce-scaffold; docker-compose run web npm install'
- Edit your etc/hosts file to map 'docker-machine ip default' to localhost
- 'docker-compose run --service-ports web bash' or 'docker-compose run --service-ports -d web'
Start coding!