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Splash and other images

Benjamin Møller edited this page Oct 24, 2024 · 5 revisions

Splash screen

For converting back and forth between the image and source you can use xxd. In a Windows environment you can use this command in the Linux Subsystem installing one of the versions available (i.e. Ubuntu).

From .bmp to .hpp

xxd -i input_image.bmp output.hpp

From .hpp to .bmp

xxd -r -p input.hpp output_image.bmp

Python converter for Splash Screen

There is also a python helper in firmware/tools/bmp_tools

Firmware icons

The special file firmware/application/bitmap.hpp contains all firmware icons.
This file should not be edited directly! Instead, new icons should be copied in firmware/graphics and then run python [firmware/tools/bitmap_tools/]( <DIRECTORY> bitmap.hpp to create bitmap.hpp.

For operating that Python3 script, Pillow library is required: pip install pillow - Convert a folder contains one or more icon.png to one bitmap.hpp

The is the traditional helper, well tested. The folder with the icons is given as argument and generates the bitmap.hpp. This file needs to be copied to mayhem-firmware/firmware/application/. Starting from the `tools/ folder, the command is:

python3 bitmap_tools/ ../graphics/ && mv bitmap.hpp ../application/bitmap.hpp

The icon size needs to be a multiple of 8. The generated icon is black/white. - Convert bitmap array to icon.png

The takes an array from the bitmap.hpp and convert it back to a png. - Convert both ways

The is based on the previous scripts, as all in one solution.

With the --hpp bitmap.hpp file and the --graphics /folder_to/png_icons/ arguments, this script will generate a bitmap.hpp.
Add the --reverse argument to generate png icons from a given bitmap.hpp.

The reverse function got a parser, for automatic get the filename and size of the image.


From the tools/ folder:

$ ./bitmap_tools/ ../application/bitmap.hpp ../graphics
Converting from png to hpp
From path ../graphics/ to file ../application/bitmap.hpp
Find your bitmap.hpp at ../application/bitmap.hpp

To reverse the icons from the .hpp to png icons use the parameter --reverse. Default is only the mayhem logo, named titlebar_image:

$ ./bitmap_tools/ ../application/bitmap.hpp /home/lupus/work/hackrf/tmp/ --reverse 
Reverse: Converting from hpp to png
Converting icon titlebar_image

Add the parameter --icon <icon name> to convert another icon or all to convert all available icons at once:

$ ./bitmap_tools/ ../application/bitmap.hpp /home/lupus/work/hackrf/tmp/ --reverse --icon all

Note: It is not a recovery, the icons will be new generated. The new icons are black/white, even if the original icons where transparent.

Online editor

The current icons were designed on Piskelapp. To create or update icons, the current sources (16x16 or 8x8) can be used.

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