Semester assignment in program development at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) spring 2020
This configuration system has an admin page (super user) where it is possible to create and edit new components, as well as options for searching the list and file processing of serialized files in their own thread. The program has a user page (end user) where automotive products with components and various customizations can be created. This system supports price for each component / fitting and calculation of total price. It is possible to save lists of products to csv file and get list of previously completed configured products. The concept of user and superuser is included on two login pages with the possibility of creating new users and super users. Admin must have a valid employee number. Information about logging in to the program is below.
Junit-tests are in norwegian to test UTF-8 support. Source code is in english
Username: Admin123
Password: Java13
Valid employee numbers for new admin user: A1234, A4567, A7890
Username: User123
Password: Java13
Command line: clean compile package exec:java -f pom.xml
Download Date: 15.04.2020