Scripts use for fitting astronomical data to galaxy models (composites of simple stellar populations)
The scripts are designed to take 4-dimensional datasets composed from data from many different instruments/telescopes and match all dimensions with sets for 50K models to figure out information about the stellar population age of a galaxy, its star formation rate and make robust measurements of total stellar mass, gas mass and dust mass.
Main scripts: - SED fitting code for multiwavelength images ranging from UV to far-infrared light. Stellar and dust models must be generated first using and This code fits the stellar component first and uses the residual flux in the optical through near-infrared bands to fit the dust component along with the far-infrared. All input images are convolved to a common PSF and platescale. - code to generate Dust models ala Draine et al 2007 - code to generate stellar models following the PEGASE.2 codebase