This repository containes a collection of where to find resources to help you get kickstarted with Microsoft Azure. These links are discussed in "Azure Fundamentals" workshops held face to face by the Microsoft German CSA-P team.
These links are the basics you need to get you started:
- Azure free account: get your free Azure account
- Azure regions: where is Azure around the world
- Azure blog: Stay up to date with the latest Azure announcements
Here you can find useful tools to work with Azure:
- Web Portal (international cloud)
- Web Portal (German cloud)
- Cloud shell (international cloud)
- ARM viewer (international cloud): if you want to see how Azure internally describes resources and test the Azure ARM REST API
- Azure Quickstart Templates: more than 600 ARM templates ready to be downloaded, used, and adapted to your custom needs
- Azure SDKs and Tools: download the most frequently used Azure tools, such as Powershell modules, the Azure CLI 2.0, the storage explorer and many others
These links contain important info that you will need to design any Azure solution:
- Azure documentation: Information about all Azure services
- Azure limits: Azure scalability limits for all services
- Reference architectures: no need to reinvent the wheel
- Azure products per region: which products are available where?
- Azure VM sizes: this link with the Linux sizes, the Windows sizes are essentially the same.
Price-related information:
- Azure Calculator: for cost calculations
- Azure documentation: each Azure product has a dedicated pricing page in the documentation area (tip: your search engine of choice can probably find it really quickly)
- Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program: find out about the preferred Azure sales motion for Microsoft partners
These links might help you with Azure positioning:
- Public cloud business webinar series for partners: this webinar series contains information to help you understand how public cloud is different from other technologies, and seeing best (and worst) practices.
- Initiate the cloud conversation: some basic information to get you started
- Data Center Transformation: business and technical information on DC transformation, including customer-ready PPTs.
The good news is that there are lots of options here. The bad news is, there are lots of options here. Some of them are:
- lots of free courses on Azure
- Learn Azure
- Partner learning events in Germany: webinars and workshops organized for Microsoft partners in Germany
- Azure curriculum examples: example Azure curricula in different areas (Azure Stack, IoT, AI, Data, etc) featured by the Microsoft Cloud Solutions Architect team.