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Another Compiler Refactor: Performance & Cleanup #2282

merged 5 commits into from
May 16, 2020
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263 changes: 127 additions & 136 deletions src/rebar_compiler.erl
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
%% @doc analysis by the caller, in order to let an OTP app
%% find and resolve all its dependencies as part of compile_all's new
%% API, which presumes a partial analysis is done ahead of time
-spec analyze_all(DAG, [App, ...]) -> ok when
-spec analyze_all(DAG, [App, ...]) -> {map(), [App]} when
DAG :: {module(), digraph:graph()},
App :: rebar_app_info:t().
analyze_all({Compiler, G}, Apps) ->
Expand All @@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ analyze_all({Compiler, G}, Apps) ->
OutExt = maps:get(artifact_exts, Contexts),

G, SrcExt, OutExt, lists:append(AbsSources), AppOutPaths
G, SrcExt, OutExt, lists:append(AbsSources), lists:append(AppOutPaths)
rebar_compiler_dag:populate_deps(G, SrcExt, OutExt),
Expand All @@ -72,6 +73,78 @@ analyze_all({Compiler, G}, Apps) ->
AppNames = rebar_compiler_dag:compile_order(G, AppPaths),
{Contexts, sort_apps(AppNames, Apps)}.

%% @doc same as analyze_all/2, but over extra_src_apps,
%% which are a big cheat.
-spec analyze_all_extras(DAG, [App, ...]) -> {map(), [App]} when
DAG :: {module(), digraph:graph()},
App :: rebar_app_info:t().
analyze_all_extras(DAG, Apps) ->
case lists:append([annotate_extras(App) || App <- Apps]) of
[] -> {#{}, []};
ExtraApps -> analyze_all(DAG, ExtraApps)

-spec compile_analyzed({module(), digraph:graph()}, rebar_app_info:t(), map()) -> ok.
compile_analyzed({Compiler, G}, AppInfo, Contexts) -> % > 3.13.2
run(G, Compiler, AppInfo, Contexts),

-spec compile_all([module(), ...], rebar_app_info:t()) -> ok.
compile_all(Compilers, AppInfo) -> % =< 3.13.0 interface; plugins use this!
%% Support the old-style API by re-declaring a local DAG for the
%% compile steps needed.
lists:foreach(fun(Compiler) ->
OutDir = rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo),
G = rebar_compiler_dag:init(OutDir, Compiler, undefined, []),
{Ctx, _} = analyze_all({Compiler, G}, [AppInfo]),
compile_analyzed({Compiler, G}, AppInfo, Ctx),
rebar_compiler_dag:maybe_store(G, OutDir, Compiler, undefined, []),
end, Compilers).

%% @doc remove compiled artifacts from an AppDir.
-spec clean([module()], rebar_app_info:t()) -> 'ok'.
clean(Compilers, AppInfo) ->
lists:foreach(fun(CompilerMod) ->
clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, undefined),
Extras = annotate_extras(AppInfo),
[clean_(CompilerMod, ExtraApp, "extra") || ExtraApp <- Extras]
end, Compilers).

%% These functions are here for the ultimate goal of getting rid of
%% rebar_base_compiler. This can't be done because of existing plugins.

-spec needs_compile(filename:all(), extension(), [{extension(), file:dirname()}]) -> boolean().
needs_compile(Source, OutExt, Mappings) ->
Ext = filename:extension(Source),
BaseName = filename:basename(Source, Ext),
{_, OutDir} = lists:keyfind(OutExt, 1, Mappings),
Target = filename:join(OutDir, BaseName++OutExt),
filelib:last_modified(Source) > filelib:last_modified(Target).

ok_tuple(Source, Ws) ->
rebar_base_compiler:ok_tuple(Source, Ws).

error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts) ->
rebar_base_compiler:error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts).

maybe_report(Reportable) ->

format_error_source(Path, Opts) ->
rebar_base_compiler:format_error_source(Path, Opts).

report(Messages) ->

%%% PRIVATE %%%

gather_contexts(Compiler, Apps) ->
Default = default_ctx(),
Contexts = [{rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,37 +194,14 @@ analyze_app({Compiler, G}, Contexts, AppInfo) ->
G, Compiler, InDirs, AbsSources, DepOpts
{{BaseDir, ArtifactDir}, AbsSources}.
{[{filename:join([BaseDir, SrcDir]), ArtifactDir} || SrcDir <- SrcDirs],

sort_apps(Names, Apps) ->
NamedApps = [{rebar_app_info:name(App), App} || App <- Apps],
[App || Name <- Names,
{_, App} <- [lists:keyfind(Name, 1, NamedApps)]].

-spec compile_analyzed({module(), digraph:graph()}, rebar_app_info:t(), map()) -> ok.
compile_analyzed({Compiler, G}, AppInfo, Contexts) -> % > 3.13.0
run(G, Compiler, AppInfo, Contexts),
%% Extras are tricky and get their own mini-analysis
ExtraApps = annotate_extras(AppInfo),
{ExtraCtx, [SortedExtra]} = analyze_all({Compiler, G}, [ExtraAppInfo]),
run(G, Compiler, SortedExtra, ExtraCtx)
end || ExtraAppInfo <- ExtraApps],

-spec compile_all([module(), ...], rebar_app_info:t()) -> ok.
compile_all(Compilers, AppInfo) -> % =< 3.13.0 interface; plugins use this!
%% Support the old-style API by re-declaring a local DAG for the
%% compile steps needed.
lists:foreach(fun(Compiler) ->
OutDir = rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo),
G = rebar_compiler_dag:init(OutDir, Compiler, undefined, []),
Ctx = analyze_all({Compiler, G}, [AppInfo]),
compile_analyzed({Compiler, G}, AppInfo, Ctx),
rebar_compiler_dag:maybe_store(G, OutDir, Compiler, undefined, []),
end, Compilers).

prepare_compiler_env(Compiler, Apps) ->
fun(AppInfo) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,11 +233,14 @@ run(G, CompilerMod, AppInfo, Contexts) ->
{{FirstFiles, FirstFileOpts},
{RestFiles, Opts}} = CompilerMod:needed_files(G, FoundFiles, Mappings, AppInfo),

compile_each(FirstFiles, FirstFileOpts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod),
Tracked = case RestFiles of
Tracked =
compile_each(FirstFiles, FirstFileOpts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod)
++ case RestFiles of
{Sequential, Parallel} -> % parallelizable form
compile_each(Sequential, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod) ++
compile_parallel(Parallel, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod);
compile_parallel(Parallel, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod)
_ when is_list(RestFiles) -> % traditional sequential build
compile_each(RestFiles, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,88 +299,49 @@ store_artifacts(_G, []) ->
store_artifacts(G, [{Source, Target, Meta}|Rest]) ->
%% Assume the source exists since it was tracked to be compiled
digraph:add_vertex(G, Target, {artifact, Meta}),
digraph:add_edge(G, Target, Source, artifact),
rebar_compiler_dag:store_artifact(G, Source, Target, Meta),
store_artifacts(G, Rest).

compile_worker(QueuePid, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod) ->
QueuePid ! self(),
{compile, Source} ->
Result =
case erlang:function_exported(CompilerMod, compile_and_track, 4) of
false ->
CompilerMod:compile(Source, Outs, Config, Opts);
true ->
CompilerMod:compile_and_track(Source, Outs, Config, Opts)
QueuePid ! {Result, Source},
compile_worker(QueuePid, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
empty ->

compile_parallel([], _Opts, _BaseOpts, _Mappings, _CompilerMod) ->
compile_parallel(Targets, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod) ->
Self = self(),
F = fun() -> compile_worker(Self, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod) end,
Jobs = min(length(Targets), erlang:system_info(schedulers)),
?DEBUG("Starting ~B compile worker(s)", [Jobs]),
Pids = [spawn_monitor(F) || _I <- lists:seq(1, Jobs)],
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod).

compile_queue([], [], _Opts, _Config, _Outs, _CompilerMod) ->
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod) ->
Tracking = erlang:function_exported(CompilerMod, compile_and_track, 4),
Worker when is_pid(Worker), Targets =:= [] ->
Worker ! empty,
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
Worker when is_pid(Worker) ->
Worker ! {compile, hd(Targets)},
compile_queue(tl(Targets), Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{ok, Source} ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{{ok, Tracked}, Source} when Tracking ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
Tracked ++
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{{ok, Warnings}, Source} when not Tracking ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{{ok, Tracked, Warnings}, Source} when Tracking ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
Tracked ++
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{skipped, Source} ->
?DEBUG("~sSkipped ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_queue(Targets, Pids, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{Error, Source} ->
NewSource = format_error_source(Source, Config),
?ERROR("Compiling ~ts failed", [NewSource]),
{'DOWN', Mref, _, Pid, normal} ->
Pids2 = lists:delete({Pid, Mref}, Pids),
compile_queue(Targets, Pids2, Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod);
{'DOWN', _Mref, _, _Pid, Info} ->
?ERROR("Compilation failed: ~p", [Info]),
fun compile_worker/2, [Opts, BaseOpts, Mappings, CompilerMod],
fun compile_handler/2, [BaseOpts, Tracking]

%% @doc remove compiled artifacts from an AppDir.
-spec clean([module()], rebar_app_info:t()) -> 'ok'.
clean(Compilers, AppInfo) ->
lists:foreach(fun(CompilerMod) ->
clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, undefined),
Extras = annotate_extras(AppInfo),
[clean_(CompilerMod, ExtraApp, "extra") || ExtraApp <- Extras]
end, Compilers).
compile_worker(Source, [Opts, Config, Outs, CompilerMod]) ->
Result = case erlang:function_exported(CompilerMod, compile_and_track, 4) of
false ->
CompilerMod:compile(Source, Outs, Config, Opts);
true ->
CompilerMod:compile_and_track(Source, Outs, Config, Opts)
%% Bundle the source to allow proper reporting in the handler:
{Result, Source}.

compile_handler({ok, Source}, _Args) ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_handler({{ok, Tracked}, Source}, [_, Tracking]) when Tracking ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
{ok, Tracked};
compile_handler({{ok, Warnings}, Source}, _Args) ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_handler({{ok, Tracked, Warnings}, Source}, [_, Tracking]) when Tracking ->
?DEBUG("~sCompiled ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
{ok, Tracked};
compile_handler({skipped, Source}, _Args) ->
?DEBUG("~sSkipped ~s", [rebar_utils:indent(1), Source]),
compile_handler({Error, Source}, [Config | _Rest]) ->
NewSource = format_error_source(Source, Config),
?ERROR("Compiling ~ts failed", [NewSource]),

clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, _Label) ->
#{src_dirs := SrcDirs,
Expand All @@ -339,21 +353,18 @@ clean_(CompilerMod, AppInfo, _Label) ->
CompilerMod:clean(FoundFiles, AppInfo),

-spec needs_compile(filename:all(), extension(), [{extension(), file:dirname()}]) -> boolean().
needs_compile(Source, OutExt, Mappings) ->
Ext = filename:extension(Source),
BaseName = filename:basename(Source, Ext),
{_, OutDir} = lists:keyfind(OutExt, 1, Mappings),
Target = filename:join(OutDir, BaseName++OutExt),
filelib:last_modified(Source) > filelib:last_modified(Target).

annotate_extras(AppInfo) ->
ExtraDirs = rebar_dir:extra_src_dirs(rebar_app_info:opts(AppInfo), []),
OldSrcDirs = rebar_app_info:get(AppInfo, src_dirs, ["src"]),
AppDir = rebar_app_info:dir(AppInfo),
lists:map(fun(Dir) ->
EbinDir = filename:join(rebar_app_info:out_dir(AppInfo), Dir),
AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo, EbinDir),
%% need a unique name to prevent lookup issues that clobber entries
AppName = unicode:characters_to_binary(
[rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo), "_", Dir]
AppInfo0 = rebar_app_info:name(AppInfo, AppName),
AppInfo1 = rebar_app_info:ebin_dir(AppInfo0, EbinDir),
AppInfo2 = rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo1, src_dirs, [Dir]),
AppInfo3 = rebar_app_info:set(AppInfo2, extra_src_dirs, OldSrcDirs),
add_to_includes( % give access to .hrl in app's src/
Expand All @@ -365,26 +376,6 @@ annotate_extras(AppInfo) ->
filelib:is_dir(filename:join(AppDir, ExtraDir))]

%% These functions are here for the ultimate goal of getting rid of
%% rebar_base_compiler. This can't be done because of existing plugins.

ok_tuple(Source, Ws) ->
rebar_base_compiler:ok_tuple(Source, Ws).

error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts) ->
rebar_base_compiler:error_tuple(Source, Es, Ws, Opts).

maybe_report(Reportable) ->

format_error_source(Path, Opts) ->
rebar_base_compiler:format_error_source(Path, Opts).

report(Messages) ->

%%% private functions

find_source_files(BaseDir, SrcExt, SrcDirs, Opts) ->
SourceExtRe = "^(?!\\._).*\\" ++ SrcExt ++ [$$],
lists:flatmap(fun(SrcDir) ->
Expand Down