my foundation 1 is my first attempt to build a development enviroment using npm and gulp; it is still flawed
##Installation instructions
####Install Nodejs
####Install yarn
##copy from git
##Running instructions
yarn install
or npm install
if yarn has problems
to create all the files and fire server
in the main folder, create a file called localconfiguration.js; the file must contain the following lines:
module.exports = {
that is the folder for the deploy. Please note that this file IS NOT saved in git!
on Windows, you should put all the "Istances" of my-foundation-1 inside C:\Progetti\
e.g. "C:\Progetti\"
e.g. "C:\Progetti\"
as the XAMPP is in "C:\xampp\htdocs\", the path deploydir must be:
module.exports = {
on MAC: the "istances" of my-foundation-1 are: Users/riccardo/Progetti/
e.g. Users/riccardo/Progetti/
as the MAMP is in Users/riccardo/Sites/
the path deploydir must be:
module.exports = {
To emulate compass utilities like image-url and sprite generation, I have addes some postcss functions:
The full documentation is available at:
About image-url (postcss-assets) you just have to put the images in /source/Assets/Images/ and write in your scss (css):
background-image: resolve('3771900.jpg');
for the sprite generation you can use the same prefix, and put all files in /source/Assets/Sprites/ e.g.
background: resolve('doc.png') no-repeat 0 0;
background: resolve('pdf.png') no-repeat 0 0;
- default task: shortcut for build all assets & build pages
gulp backup
- makes a backup
gulp deploy
- optimizes css
- optimizes js via uglify
- optimizes images via imagemin (not currently active)
- copies all relevant files, including the js already optimized into the deploy folder.
- please note that this command in fact DON'T actually optimizes the js! To do that use:
gulp deploy --env production
(1) run the command with "sudo " if it doesn't work
All files are included inside the files.json file;
By default, I include the complete foundation file. If you need only a partial inclusion, you have to modify the array "app"
in this way:
This is the complete list;
Look at the online documentation for what to include depending on the plugins you use.
Beware that all plugins require foundation.core.js
and foundation.util.mediaQuery.js
to be loaded first.
Also beware that if you include everything and uglify it, the total file is BIGGER that the one in
so... I have warned you! ;)
look also at node_modules/foundation-sites/customizer/config.yml