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feat: 渲染流程异步改造、部分支持 worker (antvis#1224)
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* feat: 去处事件节流

* feat: 创建图层流程改造 + worker 功能验证

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改 worker 引入

* feat: 调整 worker 的拼接

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改 source 构建流程为异步

* style: lint style

* feat: 在点图层中去除 global 的耦合

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复更新 style 的同时更新了 option 带来的问题

* style: lint style

* feat: 拆除 arc3d 地球模式和普通模式的耦合

* style: lint style

* feat: 修改 worker

* style: lint style

* feat: 优化图层创建渲染流程

* style: lint style

* Merge branch 'workspace' into tileDemo

* style: style lint

* feat: 改在点图层的创建流程

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* chore: worker helper (antvis#1241)

* chore: worker helper

* chore: 修改注册流程

* chore: 修改打包方式

* chore: 集成打包环境

* style: lint style

* feat: add worker pool failed

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 更新 worker 的使用

* chore: 更新 scripts 标签 (antvis#1242)

* feat: remove utils triangulation

* feat: 完成 pointLayer/earthLayer 的异步改造

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* chore: 修改 worker 执行函数 (antvis#1246)

* chore: 修改 worker 执行函数

* chore: remove console

* feat: 完成线图层和线图层的异步创建流程改造

* style: lint style

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 polygon 创建流程的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 heatmap 创建流程的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 citybuildingLayer 图层创建的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 imageLayer 创建异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 ImageLayer/RasterLayer 创建的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 geometryLayer 创建的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 WindLayer 创建的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成 tileLayer 瓦片图层创建图层的异步改造

* style: lint style

* feat: 调整 worker 调用的参数和 worker 代码的位置

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整 worker 代码结构

* style: lint style

* feat: 梳理完善 layer 的 modelName

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整部分 modeName 的命名

* feat: 线图层的 lineModel 支持 worker 计算

* style: lint style

* feat: 完善 source 异步改造,增加测试

* style: lint style

* feat: 支持 polygonFill 的 worker 计算

* style: lint style

* feat: tile point/line/polygon 支持 worker 计算

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整 worker 目录结构

* style: lint style

* chore: 修改 worker 打包路径

* feat: 增加 ISrource 时间的类型定义

* chore: change function getPureDescriptors -> getDescriptorsWithOutFunc

* feat: 完善类型定义,去除额外 worker 代码

* chore: worker 注册放到 utils 里面 (antvis#1253)

* chore: 代码清理

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 encodeData 可能的空值

* feat: 地球模式的点、线图层兼容写法

* style: lint style

* feat: 完成对 dataImage 的异步改造

* fix: 修复 demo 中对时序数据的使用

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复点图层文字重新布局未重绘问题

* fix: 修复 pointLayer fillImage 失效

* style: lint style

* chore: 在官网 demo 中去除 multipass

* chore: 调整官网 demo 效果

* style: lint style

* chore: 调整官网 demo

* style: lint style

* fix: 修复 layerModel 使用的报错

* chore: update l7plot version

Co-authored-by: lvisei <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
yiiiiiiqianyao and lvisei authored Aug 2, 2022
1 parent 1a78586 commit 6a04210
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 179 changed files with 6,564 additions and 1,688 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .eslintignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# don't ever lint node_modules
# don't lint build output (make sure it's set to your correct build folder name)

5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .storybook/preview.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ addParameters({

// automatically import all files ending in *.stories.tsx

// const req = require.context('../stories', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
const req = require.context('../stories/Map', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
const req = require.context('../stories/layerbuild', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/Map', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/MapPerformance', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);
// const req = require.context('../stories/tile', true, /\.stories\.tsx$/);

function loadStories() {
Expand Down
115 changes: 62 additions & 53 deletions babel.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
// @see
module.exports = api => {
module.exports = (api) => {
api.cache(() => process.env.NODE_ENV);
const isSite = api.env('site');
const isCDNBundle = api.env('bundle');
const isCommonJS = api.env('cjs');
const isESModule = api.env('esm');
const isTest = api.env('test');

if (isSite) {
return {
presets: [
development: isCommonJS
development: isCommonJS,
// 'babel-preset-gatsby', {
// silence: true
Expand All @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module.exports = api => {
legacy: true
legacy: true,
// import glsl as raw text
Expand All @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ module.exports = api => {
extensions: [
// 由于使用了 TS 的 resolveJsonModule 选项,JSON 可以直接引入,不需要当作纯文本

Expand All @@ -53,24 +53,24 @@ module.exports = api => {
// useBuiltIns: 'usage',
...isCDNBundle ? { corejs: 3 } : {},
...(isCDNBundle ? { corejs: 3 } : {}),
useBuiltIns: isCDNBundle ? 'usage' : false,
// set `modules: false` when building CDN bundle, let rollup do commonjs works
// @see
modules: (isCDNBundle || isESModule) ? false : 'auto',
modules: isCDNBundle || isESModule ? false : 'auto',
targets: {
chrome: 58,
browsers: [ 'ie >= 11' ]
browsers: ['ie >= 11'],
development: isCommonJS
development: isCommonJS,
plugins: [
isCDNBundle ? {} : '@babel/plugin-transform-runtime',
Expand All @@ -83,61 +83,70 @@ module.exports = api => {
legacy: true
legacy: true,
// @see
loose: false
loose: false,
// let rollup do commonjs works
// @see
(isCDNBundle || isESModule) ? {} : '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs',
isCDNBundle || isESModule
? {}
: '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs',
// 开发模式下以原始文本引入,便于调试
isCDNBundle ? {} : [
// import glsl as raw text
extensions: [
// 由于使用了 TS 的 resolveJsonModule 选项,JSON 可以直接引入,不需要当作纯文本
// '.json',
isCDNBundle ? {} : [
// 'transform-import-styles' // babel 编译将样式打包到js
? {}
: [
// import glsl as raw text
extensions: [
// 由于使用了 TS 的 resolveJsonModule 选项,JSON 可以直接引入,不需要当作纯文本
// '.json',
? {}
: [
// 'transform-import-styles' // babel 编译将样式打包到js
// @see
transform: 'constObject'
transform: 'constObject',
// 按需引用 @see
// 内联 WebGL 常量 @see
// isCDNBundle ? 'inline-webgl-constants' : {},
ignore: [
// /node_modules\/(?![kdbush|supercluster|async])/,
...!isTest ? [
] : []
? [
: []),
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions build/rollup-plugin-inline-worker.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { createFilter } from 'rollup-pluginutils';

export default function inlineWorker(include) {
const filter = createFilter(include);
return {
name: 'inline-worker',
transform(code, id) {
if (!filter(id)) return;

return {
code: `export default ${JSON.stringify(code)};`,
map: { mappings: '' },
75 changes: 33 additions & 42 deletions build/rollup.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,19 +7,18 @@ import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser';
import analyze from 'rollup-plugin-analyzer';
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel';
import glsl from './rollup-plugin-glsl';
import inlineWorker from './rollup-plugin-inline-worker';
import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss';
import url from 'postcss-url';

const { BUILD, MINIFY } = process.env;
const minified = MINIFY === 'true';
const production = BUILD === 'production';
const outputFile = !production
? 'packages/l7/dist/l7-dev.js'
: minified
? 'packages/l7/dist/l7.js'
: 'packages/l7/dist/l7-dev.js';

? 'packages/l7/dist/l7.js'
: 'packages/l7/dist/l7-dev.js';

function resolveFile(filePath) {
return path.join(__dirname, '..', filePath);
Expand All @@ -33,49 +32,41 @@ module.exports = [
format: 'umd',
name: 'L7',
globals: {
'mapbox-gl': 'mapboxgl'
'mapbox-gl': 'mapboxgl',
external: [
external: ['mapbox-gl'],
treeshake: minified,
plugins: [
resolve: [ '.tsx', '.ts' ],
entries: [
find: /^@antv\/l7-(.*)/,
replacement: resolveFile('packages/$1/src')
find: /^@antv\/l7$/,
replacement: resolveFile('packages/l7/src')
resolve: ['.tsx', '.ts'],
entries: [
find: /^@antv\/l7-(.*)/,
replacement: resolveFile('packages/$1/src'),
find: /^@antv\/l7$/,
replacement: resolveFile('packages/l7/src'),
browser: true,
preferBuiltins: false,
extensions: [ '.js', '.ts' ]
extensions: ['.js', '.ts'],
[ '**/*.glsl' ],
glsl(['**/*.glsl'], true),
extract: false,
plugins: [
url({ url: 'inline' })
plugins: [url({ url: 'inline' })],
// @see
namedExports: {
eventemitter3: [ 'EventEmitter' ],
eventemitter3: ['EventEmitter'],
// inversify: [ 'inject', 'injectable', 'postConstruct', 'Container', 'decorate', 'interfaces' ],
// @see
lodash: [
Expand All @@ -87,22 +78,22 @@ module.exports = [
dynamicRequireTargets: [
extensions: [ '.js', '.ts' ]
extensions: ['.js', '.ts'],
// terser(),
minified ? terser() : false,
summaryOnly: true,
limit: 20
limit: 20,

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