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NelsonVides committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent a9509dc commit 77d0b8b
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Showing 10 changed files with 226 additions and 233 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion rebar.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{require_min_otp_vsn, "26"}.

{deps, [
{exml, "3.4.1", {pkg, hexml}},
{exml, "4.0.0", {pkg, hexml}},
{meck, "1.0.0"},
{bbmustache, "1.12.2"},
{uuid, "2.0.7", {pkg, uuid_erl}},
Expand All @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
{fast_scram, "0.6.1"}

{dialyzer, [
{warnings, [unknown]},
{plt_extra_apps, [common_test, exml, uuid, worker_pool, fast_scram]}]}.

%% To override the plugin as installed by worker_pool
[rebar3_hex, {rebar3_codecov, "0.6.0"}]}.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions rebar.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
{<<"bbmustache">>, <<"0CABDCE0DB9FE6D3318131174B9F2B351328A4C0AFBEB3E6E99BB0E02E9B621D">>},
{<<"cowlib">>, <<"DB8F7505D8332D98EF50A3EF34B34C1AFDDEC7506E4EE4DD4A3A266285D282CA">>},
{<<"exml">>, <<"9581FE6512D9772C61BBE611CD4A8E5BB90B4D4481275325EC520F7A931A9393">>},
{<<"exml">>, <<"54C1AAD5BD290EC31C19CE4A5D449C7E3236107AA2D3610FC04FC963DC8EAF13">>},
{<<"fast_pbkdf2">>, <<"199BCEC73A1A246941E9465D3DC41052953B638128841ED24B29ED03CF70AF27">>},
{<<"fast_scram">>, <<"BEEADB03D774640F0671681759CE53B2FF33CB58C86FD9BF2A793E2FC1ED0F5D">>},
{<<"fast_tls">>, <<"65D7D547A09EEFB37A1C0D04D8601FAC4F3E6E2C1EDE859A7787081670F9648D">>},
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
{<<"bbmustache">>, <<"688B33A4D5CC2D51F575ADF0B3683FC40A38314A2F150906EDCFC77F5B577B3B">>},
{<<"cowlib">>, <<"E1E1284DC3FC030A64B1AD0D8382AE7E99DA46C3246B815318A4B848873800A4">>},
{<<"exml">>, <<"D8E7894E2544402B4986EEB2443C15B51B14F686266F091DBF2777D1D99A2FA2">>},
{<<"exml">>, <<"08CC97527C708D57A03F467049AC260B5951BD67906AA154BE56B5D8BDD3238C">>},
{<<"fast_pbkdf2">>, <<"35EEC22629AAA739915843C7B7DE0D84657D1ECE972D8BBC86368747E9C14012">>},
{<<"fast_scram">>, <<"FE0650A309FDF97C75E1EA812CCFB40EB464ECAFD3783E83AA17C7F572EDAB0B">>},
{<<"fast_tls">>, <<"131542913937025E48CD80AA81F00359686D5501B75621E72026A87B5229505B">>},
Expand Down
67 changes: 33 additions & 34 deletions src/escalus_bosh.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,49 +169,48 @@ session_creation_body(Rid, To) ->
session_creation_body(Wait, Version, Lang, Rid, To, nil) ->
empty_body(Rid, nil,
[{<<"content">>, <<"text/xml; charset=utf-8">>},
{<<"xmlns:xmpp">>, ?NS_BOSH},
{<<"xmpp:version">>, Version},
{<<"ver">>, <<"1.6">>},
{<<"hold">>, <<"1">>},
{<<"wait">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Wait))},
{<<"xml:lang">>, Lang},
{<<"to">>, To}]);
#{<<"content">> => <<"text/xml; charset=utf-8">>,
<<"xmlns:xmpp">> => ?NS_BOSH,
<<"xmpp:version">> => Version,
<<"ver">> => <<"1.6">>,
<<"hold">> => <<"1">>,
<<"wait">> => list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Wait)),
<<"xml:lang">> => Lang,
<<"to">> => To});
session_creation_body(_Wait, _Version, Lang, Rid, To, Sid) ->
empty_body(Rid, Sid,
[{<<"xmlns:xmpp">>, ?NS_BOSH},
{<<"xml:lang">>, Lang},
{<<"to">>, To},
{<<"xmpp:restart">>, <<"true">>}]).
#{<<"xmlns:xmpp">> => ?NS_BOSH,
<<"xml:lang">> => Lang,
<<"to">> => To,
<<"xmpp:restart">> => <<"true">>}).

-spec session_termination_body(Rid :: integer(), Sid :: binary() | nil) -> exml:element().
session_termination_body(Rid, Sid) ->
Body = empty_body(Rid, Sid, [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>}]),
Body = empty_body(Rid, Sid, #{<<"type">> => <<"terminate">>}),
Body#xmlel{children = [escalus_stanza:presence(<<"unavailable">>)]}.

-spec empty_body(Rid :: integer(), Sid :: binary()) -> exml:element().
empty_body(Rid, Sid) ->
empty_body(Rid, Sid, []).
empty_body(Rid, Sid, #{}).

-spec empty_body(Rid :: integer(), Sid :: binary() | nil, ExtraAttrs :: [exml:attr()]) ->
-spec empty_body(Rid :: integer(), Sid :: binary() | nil, ExtraAttrs :: exml:attrs()) ->
empty_body(Rid, Sid, ExtraAttrs) ->
#xmlel{name = <<"body">>,
attrs = common_attrs(Rid, Sid) ++ ExtraAttrs}.
attrs = maps:merge(common_attrs(Rid, Sid), ExtraAttrs)}.

pause_body(Rid, Sid, Seconds) ->
Empty = empty_body(Rid, Sid),
Pause = {<<"pause">>, integer_to_binary(Seconds)},
Empty#xmlel{attrs = Empty#xmlel.attrs ++ [Pause]}.
Empty#xmlel{attrs = maps:put(<<"pause">>, integer_to_binary(Seconds), Empty#xmlel.attrs)}.

common_attrs(Rid) ->
[{<<"rid">>, pack_rid(Rid)},
{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_HTTP_BIND}].
#{<<"rid">> => pack_rid(Rid),
<<"xmlns">> => ?NS_HTTP_BIND}.

common_attrs(Rid, nil) ->
common_attrs(Rid, Sid) ->
common_attrs(Rid) ++ [{<<"sid">>, Sid}].
maps:put(<<"sid">>, Sid, common_attrs(Rid)).

pack_rid(Rid) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,35 +575,35 @@ handle_recv(#state{replies = [{#xmlel{name = <<"body">>, attrs = Attrs} = Body,

wrap_elem(#xmlstreamstart{attrs = Attrs},
#state{rid = Rid, sid = Sid, wait = Wait}) ->
Version = proplists:get_value(<<"version">>, Attrs, <<"1.0">>),
Lang = proplists:get_value(<<"xml:lang">>, Attrs, <<"en">>),
To = proplists:get_value(<<"to">>, Attrs, <<"localhost">>),
Version = maps:get(<<"version">>, Attrs, <<"1.0">>),
Lang = maps:get(<<"xml:lang">>, Attrs, <<"en">>),
To = maps:get(<<"to">>, Attrs, <<"localhost">>),
session_creation_body(Wait, Version, Lang, Rid, To, Sid);
wrap_elem(#xmlstreamend{}, #state{sid=Sid, rid=Rid}) ->
session_termination_body(Rid, Sid);
wrap_elem(Element, #state{sid = Sid, rid=Rid}) ->
(empty_body(Rid, Sid))#xmlel{children = [Element]}.

unwrap_elem(#xmlel{name = <<"body">>, children = Body, attrs=Attrs}) ->
unwrap_elem(#xmlel{name = <<"body">>, children = Body, attrs = Attrs}) ->
Type = detect_type(Attrs),
case Type of
{streamstart, Ver} ->
Server = proplists:get_value(<<"from">>, Attrs),
StreamStart = #xmlstreamstart{name = <<"stream:stream">>, attrs=[
{<<"from">>, Server},
{<<"version">>, Ver},
{<<"xml:lang">>, <<"en">>},
{<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:client">>},
Server = maps:get(<<"from">>, Attrs),
NewAttrs = #{<<"from">> => Server,
<<"version">> => Ver,
<<"xml:lang">> => <<"en">>,
<<"xmlns">> => <<"jabber:client">>,
<<"xmlns:stream">> => <<"">>},
StreamStart = #xmlstreamstart{name = <<"stream:stream">>,
attrs = NewAttrs},
streamend ->
_ -> []
end ++ Body.

detect_type(Attrs) ->
Get = fun(A) -> proplists:get_value(A, Attrs) end,
Get = fun(A) -> maps:get(A, Attrs, undefined) end,
case {Get(<<"type">>), Get(<<"xmpp:version">>)} of
{<<"terminate">>, _} -> streamend;
{_, undefined} -> normal;
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/escalus_component.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ component_start_stream(Conn = #client{props = Props}, []) ->
StreamStartRep = escalus_connection:get_stanza(Conn, wait_for_stream),

#xmlstreamstart{attrs = Attrs} = StreamStartRep,
Id = proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, Attrs),
Id = maps:get(<<"id">>, Attrs, undefined),

{Conn#client{props = [{sid, Id} | Props]}, []}.

Expand All @@ -205,10 +205,9 @@ component_handshake(Conn = #client{props = Props}, []) ->
%% Stanzas
component_stream_start(Component) ->
Attrs = [{<<"to">>, Component},
{<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:component:accept">>},
Attrs = #{<<"to">> => Component,
<<"xmlns">> => <<"jabber:component:accept">>,
<<"xmlns:stream">> => <<"">>},
#xmlstreamstart{name = <<"stream:stream">>, attrs = Attrs}.

component_handshake_el(SID, Password) ->
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/escalus_event.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ build_elem_event(BaseTime, {story, Type, Time}) ->
build_story_event_elem(Type, BaseTime, Time).

build_story_event_elem(Type, BaseTime, Time) ->
#xmlel{name = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Type)),
attrs = [{<<"offset">>, time_offset_binary(BaseTime, Time)}]}.
#xmlel{name = atom_to_binary(Type),
attrs = #{<<"offset">> => time_offset_binary(BaseTime, Time)}}.

build_stanza_event_elem(Type, JID, BaseTime, Time, Elem) ->
#xmlel{name = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Type)),
attrs = [{<<"jid">>, jid_to_binary(JID)},
{<<"offset">>, time_offset_binary(BaseTime, Time)}],
#xmlel{name = atom_to_binary(Type),
attrs = #{<<"jid">> => jid_to_binary(JID),
<<"offset">> => time_offset_binary(BaseTime, Time)},
children = [Elem || Elem =/= undefined]}.

manager(Config) ->
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/escalus_pred.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ is_chat_message(Msg, Stanza) ->

-spec is_chat_message_from_to(binary(), binary(), binary(), exml:element())
-> boolean().
is_chat_message_from_to(From, To, Msg, #xmlel{attrs=Attrs} = Stanza) ->
is_chat_message_from_to(From, To, Msg, #xmlel{attrs = Attrs} = Stanza) ->
is_chat_message(Msg, Stanza)
bin(From) == proplists:get_value(<<"from">>, Attrs)
bin(From) == maps:get(<<"from">>, Attrs, undefined)
bin(To) == proplists:get_value(<<"to">>, Attrs).
bin(To) == maps:get(<<"to">>, Attrs, undefined).

-spec is_groupchat_message(exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_groupchat_message(Stanza) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,24 +257,24 @@ has_type(Type, Stanza) ->
-spec is_0184_request(exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_0184_request(#xmlel{children = Els}) ->
#xmlel{ name = <<"request">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>}],
attrs = #{<<"xmlns">> => <<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>},
children = [] } =:= lists:keyfind(<<"request">>, 2, Els).

-spec is_0184_receipt(exml:element(), exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_0184_receipt(#xmlel{ attrs = ReqAttrs } = Request, Receipt) ->
{_, ReqTo} = lists:keyfind(<<"to">>, 1, ReqAttrs),
is_0184_receipt(#xmlel{attrs = ReqAttrs} = Request, Receipt) ->
ReqTo = maps:get(<<"to">>, ReqAttrs),
is_0184_receipt(Request, ReqTo, Receipt).

-spec is_0184_receipt(exml:element(), binary(), exml:element()) -> boolean().
is_0184_receipt(#xmlel{ attrs = ReqAttrs } = _Request,
is_0184_receipt(#xmlel{attrs = ReqAttrs} = _Request,
#xmlel{ attrs = ResAttrs,
children = [#xmlel{ name = <<"received">>,
attrs = SubAttrs}]} = _Receipt) ->
{_, ResFrom} = lists:keyfind(<<"from">>, 1, ResAttrs),
{_, ReqID} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, ReqAttrs),
{_, ResID} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, SubAttrs),
{_, ResXmlns} = lists:keyfind(<<"xmlns">>, 1, SubAttrs),
#xmlel{attrs = ResAttrs,
children = [#xmlel{name = <<"received">>,
attrs = SubAttrs}]} = _Receipt) ->
ResFrom = maps:get(<<"from">>, ResAttrs),
ReqID = maps:get(<<"id">>, ReqAttrs),
ResID = maps:get(<<"id">>, SubAttrs),
ResXmlns = maps:get(<<"xmlns">>, SubAttrs),
binary:longest_common_prefix([ProperResFrom, ResFrom]) == byte_size(ProperResFrom)
ReqID == ResID
Expand Down

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