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esolCrusador edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 24 revisions

Resx Sync

Project "Resx Sync" is created to add the ability to automatically synchronise *.resx files of different cultures based on default culture and to export/import project resources to/from *.xlsx files.

How to start

To open the dialog you need to open any solution and then open Tools>Resx Sync menu item.

There you will see the following dialog:

To see the actions log you can open Output Window and select "Resx Sync":

  1. First button synchronizes the project resources:
  • Removes files with not supported culture postfix. (ex. Navigation.NL.resx if NL culture should not be supported)
  • Adds files with missing culture postfix and copies default resources there.
  • Removes resx keys in sub resource file which are not contained in default culture file.
  • Adds resx keys which are contained in default culture file and missing in sub resource file.
  • Embeds sub resx files into default resx files.
  1. Second button exports all selected resource data from projects into an excel file.
  2. Third button imports excel file into project resources.


Resx Sync (Adding new resource keys, removing forbidden):

For example we have 4 resource files: Default, Dutch, French, Russian. We have removed "ForbiddenRes" resource key from Default resource file and added "NewRes" there and into Dutch resource file. French resource file is empty. To synchronize resources open the dialog and press "Sync" button. Than you will get next result:

Resx Sync (Adding/removing cultures)

You again have 4 resource files: Default, Dutch, Francish, Russian. You want to remove French and Russian languages and to add German and Spanish. To do that you should unselect French and Russian and select German and Spanish cultures in dialog. As a result unselected culture files removed, selected added:

Export/Import to/from Excel

For example you want to update 3 resource keys: to change them via tool you need to export it in to excel file then you need to find these resources in excel file and change it translation and than you need to import back this excel file Сongrats resources are updated!