CLI app for commonly-used Rake tasks.
Pick your poison...
With the RubyGems CLI package manager:
$ gem install raketary
$ git clone ''
$ cd raketary
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake install:local
$ raketary
Usage: raketary [options] [command] [options]...
bump Bump your project's version
ghp_sync Sync YARDoc to GitHub Pages repo
github_pkg Publish your project's gem(s) to GitHub Packages
irb Open an irb session loaded with your library
nokogiri Install Nokogiri libs
run Run your project's main file: raketary run -- --version
-h, --help show this help
-v, --version show the version of raketary
$ raketary bump
[bump] Options:
-n, --dry-run do a dry run (do NOT write to files)
-s, --strict enforce semantic versioning (i.e., \d+\.\d+\.\d+.*)
-v, --ver [STR] show/set the version (e.g.: '1.2.3-alpha.4+beta.5') (default: show)
-m, --major [INT,STR] bump/set the major number (e.g.: +2, 4) (default: +1)
-i, --minor [INT,STR] bump/set the minor number (e.g.: +2, 4) (default: +1)
-p, --patch [INT,STR] bump/set the patch number (e.g.: +2, 4) (default: +1)
-r, --pre [STR] set/erase the pre-release extension (e.g.: 'alpha.4') (default: erase)
-b, --build [STR] set/erase the the build metadata (e.g.: 'beta.5') (default: erase)
-u, --bundle bump the Gemfile.lock version
-h, --help show this help
-x, --example show some examples
$ raketary bump -x
raketary bump -v # Show the current version
raketary bump -n # Do a dry run for any task (will NOT write to files)
raketary bump -v '1.2.3-alpha.4-beta.5' # Set the version manually
raketary bump -m 1 -i 2 -p 3 # Set the version numbers
raketary bump -r 'alpha.4' -b 'beta.5' # Set the version extensions
raketary bump -m -i -p # Bump the version numbers by 1
raketary bump -m +2 -i +3 -p +4 # Bump the version numbers by X
raketary bump -m # Bump the major number by 1
raketary bump -m 1 # Set the major number to 1
raketary bump -m +2 # Bump the major number by 2
raketary bump -i # Bump the minor number by 1
raketary bump -i 2 # Set the minor number to 2
raketary bump -i +3 # Bump the minor number by 3
raketary bump -p # Bump the patch number by 1
raketary bump -p 3 # Set the patch number to 3
raketary bump -p +4 # Bump the patch number by 4
raketary bump -r # Erase the pre-release extension
raketary bump -r 'alpha.4' # Set the pre-release extension
raketary bump -b # Erase the build metadata
raketary bump -b 'beta.5' # Set the build metadata
raketary bump -u # Bump the Gemfile.lock version
GitHub Pkg
$ raketary github_pkg -h
[github_pkg] Options:
-u, --user [STR] set the GitHub username
-h, --help show this help
GitHub Pages Sync
$ raketary ghp_sync -h
[ghp_sync] Options:
-g, --ghp-dir STR the destination (GitHub Pages) directory to sync "doc/" to
-d, --deploy actually deploy (don't just do a dry-run)
-s, --sync-args STR additional args to pass to the sync command
-h, --help show this help
$ git clone ''
$ cd raketary
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake -T
Raketary (
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Jonathan Bradley WhitedRaketary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.Raketary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Raketary. If not, see