-Do NOT run install-x.sh on a system with an os already on it. This may irreversably damage your system.
-Install.sh is meant to be run from the arch live install cd
-main.sh is meant to set up an arch linux vm on a linux host. This is not required to install arch linux using a script.
-install-x.sh will install arch linux to a virtual machine, or to a host.
-properly format your drive before starting installation. If a previous filetype is detected, installation will not continue.
-the install scripts will format and install onto /dev/sda by default, with a 512M efi partition, and the remainder as a linux filesystem on sda2. Adapt the script accordingly.
-Network connection is required before running install-x.sh.
-A working virtualbox (you should be able to launch VMs with no problem)
-The arch linux installation ISO - available from the archlinux.org
-Virtualbox guest additions ISO
-Virtualbox extension pack
-Enough storage to install arch linux
On host system, start virtualbox
Run main.sh script (through the terminall) ex. /bin/bash main.sh
follow the prompts
When specifying ISO locations, you must specify the entire path ex. /home/ethannij/Desktop/ArchInstallation/GuestAdditions.iso
-Before running the install-x.sh script. Ensure you have a wifi connection.
When the arch linux installation starts type the following in the commandline of the guest -
for EFI
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethannij/Arch-Installer/master/install-efi.sh type | bash
for BIOS
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethannij/Arch-Installer/master/install-bios.sh type | bash
When the installion is complete, make sure to set a root password, and create a user before rebooting the system.
If the username or password do not work upon boot, you may have to set it manually from the arch live cd
if network does not work after the installation:
Upon system startup, type:
$ systemctl start NetworkManager.service
$ systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
/etc/hostname is set to "host" by default.
/etc/hosts includes: localhost ::1 localhost host
-fix for errors caused by confirmation messages while formatting disks