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Merge pull request github#6175 from yoff/python-port-ReDoS
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Python: port ReDoS queries from Javascript
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tausbn authored Jun 30, 2021
2 parents 6a77b89 + a176e6a commit e4af146
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions config/identical-files.json
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"SensitiveDataHeuristics Python/JS": [
"ReDoS Util Python/JS": [
"ReDoS Exponential Python/JS": [
"ReDoS Polynomial Python/JS": [
323 changes: 1 addition & 322 deletions javascript/ql/src/Performance/ReDoS.ql
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Expand Up @@ -16,328 +16,7 @@

import javascript

* This query implements the analysis described in the following two papers:
* James Kirrage, Asiri Rathnayake, Hayo Thielecke: Static Analysis for
* Regular Expression Denial-of-Service Attacks. NSS 2013.
* (
* Asiri Rathnayake, Hayo Thielecke: Static Analysis for Regular Expression
* Exponential Runtime via Substructural Logics. 2014.
* (
* The basic idea is to search for overlapping cycles in the NFA, that is,
* states `q` such that there are two distinct paths from `q` to itself
* that consume the same word `w`.
* For any such state `q`, an attack string can be constructed as follows:
* concatenate a prefix `v` that takes the NFA to `q` with `n` copies of
* the word `w` that leads back to `q` along two different paths, followed
* by a suffix `x` that is _not_ accepted in state `q`. A backtracking
* implementation will need to explore at least 2^n different ways of going
* from `q` back to itself while trying to match the `n` copies of `w`
* before finally giving up.
* Now in order to identify overlapping cycles, all we have to do is find
* pumpable forks, that is, states `q` that can transition to two different
* states `r1` and `r2` on the same input symbol `c`, such that there are
* paths from both `r1` and `r2` to `q` that consume the same word. The latter
* condition is equivalent to saying that `(q, q)` is reachable from `(r1, r2)`
* in the product NFA.
* This is what the query does. It makes a simple attempt to construct a
* prefix `v` leading into `q`, but only to improve the alert message.
* And the query tries to prove the existence of a suffix that ensures
* rejection. This check might fail, which can cause false positives.
* Finally, sometimes it depends on the translation whether the NFA generated
* for a regular expression has a pumpable fork or not. We implement one
* particular translation, which may result in false positives or negatives
* relative to some particular JavaScript engine.
* More precisely, the query constructs an NFA from a regular expression `r`
* as follows:
* * Every sub-term `t` gives rise to an NFA state `Match(t,i)`, representing
* the state of the automaton before attempting to match the `i`th character in `t`.
* * There is one accepting state `Accept(r)`.
* * There is a special `AcceptAnySuffix(r)` state, which accepts any suffix string
* by using an epsilon transition to `Accept(r)` and an any transition to itself.
* * Transitions between states may be labelled with epsilon, or an abstract
* input symbol.
* * Each abstract input symbol represents a set of concrete input characters:
* either a single character, a set of characters represented by a
* character class, or the set of all characters.
* * The product automaton is constructed lazily, starting with pair states
* `(q, q)` where `q` is a fork, and proceding along an over-approximate
* step relation.
* * The over-approximate step relation allows transitions along pairs of
* abstract input symbols where the symbols have overlap in the characters they accept.
* * Once a trace of pairs of abstract input symbols that leads from a fork
* back to itself has been identified, we attempt to construct a concrete
* string corresponding to it, which may fail.
* * Lastly we ensure that any state reached by repeating `n` copies of `w` has
* a suffix `x` (possible empty) that is most likely __not__ accepted.

* Holds if state `s` might be inside a backtracking repetition.
predicate stateInsideBacktracking(State s) {
s.getRepr().getParent*() instanceof MaybeBacktrackingRepetition

* A infinitely repeating quantifier that might backtrack.
class MaybeBacktrackingRepetition extends InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier {
MaybeBacktrackingRepetition() {
exists(RegExpTerm child |
child instanceof RegExpAlt or
child instanceof RegExpQuantifier
child.getParent+() = this

* A state in the product automaton.
* We lazily only construct those states that we are actually
* going to need: `(q, q)` for every fork state `q`, and any
* pair of states that can be reached from a pair that we have
* already constructed. To cut down on the number of states,
* we only represent states `(q1, q2)` where `q1` is lexicographically
* no bigger than `q2`.
* States are only constructed if both states in the pair are
* inside a repetition that might backtrack.
newtype TStatePair =
MkStatePair(State q1, State q2) {
isFork(q1, _, _, _, _) and q2 = q1
(step(_, _, _, q1, q2) or step(_, _, _, q2, q1)) and
rankState(q1) <= rankState(q2)

* Gets a unique number for a `state`.
* Is used to create an ordering of states, where states with the same `toString()` will be ordered differently.
int rankState(State state) {
state =
rank[result](State s, Location l |
l = s.getRepr().getLocation()
s order by l.getStartLine(), l.getStartColumn(), s.toString()

class StatePair extends TStatePair {
State q1;
State q2;

StatePair() { this = MkStatePair(q1, q2) }

string toString() { result = "(" + q1 + ", " + q2 + ")" }

State getLeft() { result = q1 }

State getRight() { result = q2 }

predicate isStatePair(StatePair p) { any() }

predicate delta2(StatePair q, StatePair r) { step(q, _, _, r) }

* Gets the minimum length of a path from `q` to `r` in the
* product automaton.
int statePairDist(StatePair q, StatePair r) =
shortestDistances(isStatePair/1, delta2/2)(q, r, result)

* Holds if there are transitions from `q` to `r1` and from `q` to `r2`
* labelled with `s1` and `s2`, respectively, where `s1` and `s2` do not
* trivially have an empty intersection.
* This predicate only holds for states associated with regular expressions
* that have at least one repetition quantifier in them (otherwise the
* expression cannot be vulnerable to ReDoS attacks anyway).
predicate isFork(State q, InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, State r1, State r2) {
stateInsideBacktracking(q) and
exists(State q1, State q2 |
q1 = epsilonSucc*(q) and
delta(q1, s1, r1) and
q2 = epsilonSucc*(q) and
delta(q2, s2, r2) and
// Use pragma[noopt] to prevent intersect(s1,s2) from being the starting point of the join.
// From (s1,s2) it would find a huge number of intermediate state pairs (q1,q2) originating from different literals,
// and discover at the end that no `q` can reach both `q1` and `q2` by epsilon transitions.
exists(intersect(s1, s2))
s1 != s2
r1 != r2
r1 = r2 and q1 != q2
// If q can reach itself by epsilon transitions, then there are two distinct paths to the q1/q2 state:
// one that uses the loop and one that doesn't. The engine will separately attempt to match with each path,
// despite ending in the same state. The "fork" thus arises from the choice of whether to use the loop or not.
// To avoid every state in the loop becoming a fork state,
// we arbitrarily pick the InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier state as the canonical fork state for the loop
// (every epsilon-loop must contain such a state).
// We additionally require that the there exists another InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier `mid` on the path from `q` to itself.
// This is done to avoid flagging regular expressions such as `/(a?)*b/` - that only has polynomial runtime, and is detected by `js/polynomial-redos`.
// The below code is therefore a heuritic, that only flags regular expressions such as `/(a*)*b/`,
// and does not flag regular expressions such as `/(a?b?)c/`, but the latter pattern is not used frequently.
r1 = r2 and
q1 = q2 and
epsilonSucc+(q) = q and
exists(RegExpTerm term | term = q.getRepr() | term instanceof InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier) and
// One of the mid states is an infinite quantifier itself
exists(State mid, RegExpTerm term |
mid = epsilonSucc+(q) and
term = mid.getRepr() and
term instanceof InfiniteRepetitionQuantifier and
q = epsilonSucc+(mid) and
not mid = q
) and
stateInsideBacktracking(r1) and

* Gets the state pair `(q1, q2)` or `(q2, q1)`; note that only
* one or the other is defined.
StatePair mkStatePair(State q1, State q2) {
result = MkStatePair(q1, q2) or result = MkStatePair(q2, q1)

* Holds if there are transitions from the components of `q` to the corresponding
* components of `r` labelled with `s1` and `s2`, respectively.
predicate step(StatePair q, InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, StatePair r) {
exists(State r1, State r2 | step(q, s1, s2, r1, r2) and r = mkStatePair(r1, r2))

* Holds if there are transitions from the components of `q` to `r1` and `r2`
* labelled with `s1` and `s2`, respectively.
* We only consider transitions where the resulting states `(r1, r2)` are both
* inside a repetition that might backtrack.
predicate step(StatePair q, InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, State r1, State r2) {
exists(State q1, State q2 | q.getLeft() = q1 and q.getRight() = q2 |
deltaClosed(q1, s1, r1) and
deltaClosed(q2, s2, r2) and
// use noopt to force the join on `intersect` to happen last.
exists(intersect(s1, s2))
) and
stateInsideBacktracking(r1) and

private newtype TTrace =
Nil() or
Step(InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, TTrace t) {
exists(StatePair p |
isReachableFromFork(_, p, t, _) and
step(p, s1, s2, _)
t = Nil() and isFork(_, s1, s2, _, _)

* A list of pairs of input symbols that describe a path in the product automaton
* starting from some fork state.
class Trace extends TTrace {
string toString() {
this = Nil() and result = "Nil()"
exists(InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, Trace t | this = Step(s1, s2, t) |
result = "Step(" + s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + t + ")"

* Gets a string corresponding to the trace `t`.
string concretise(Trace t) {
t = Nil() and result = ""
exists(InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, Trace rest | t = Step(s1, s2, rest) |
result = concretise(rest) + intersect(s1, s2)

* Holds if `r` is reachable from `(fork, fork)` under input `w`, and there is
* a path from `r` back to `(fork, fork)` with `rem` steps.
predicate isReachableFromFork(State fork, StatePair r, Trace w, int rem) {
// base case
exists(InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2, State q1, State q2 |
isFork(fork, s1, s2, q1, q2) and
r = MkStatePair(q1, q2) and
w = Step(s1, s2, Nil()) and
rem = statePairDist(r, MkStatePair(fork, fork))
// recursive case
exists(StatePair p, Trace v, InputSymbol s1, InputSymbol s2 |
isReachableFromFork(fork, p, v, rem + 1) and
step(p, s1, s2, r) and
w = Step(s1, s2, v) and
rem >= statePairDist(r, MkStatePair(fork, fork))

* Gets a state in the product automaton from which `(fork, fork)` is
* reachable in zero or more epsilon transitions.
StatePair getAForkPair(State fork) {
isFork(fork, _, _, _, _) and
result = MkStatePair(epsilonPred*(fork), epsilonPred*(fork))

* Holds if `fork` is a pumpable fork with word `w`.
predicate isPumpable(State fork, string w) {
exists(StatePair q, Trace t |
isReachableFromFork(fork, q, t, _) and
q = getAForkPair(fork) and
w = concretise(t)

* An instantiation of `ReDoSConfiguration` for exponential backtracking.
class ExponentialReDoSConfiguration extends ReDoSConfiguration {
ExponentialReDoSConfiguration() { this = "ExponentialReDoSConfiguration" }

override predicate isReDoSCandidate(State state, string pump) { isPumpable(state, pump) }

from RegExpTerm t, string pump, State s, string prefixMsg
where hasReDoSResult(t, pump, s, prefixMsg)
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