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▶ GO111MODULE=on go get -v
▶ git clone && cd tprox && docker build -t tprox .
▶ tprox -h
▶ docker run tprox -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
👉 tprox help menu 👈
Usage of ./tprox:
-c int
The number of concurrent requests (default 10)
Check if a path/folder/file is internal
crawl the resolved domain while testing for proxy misconfigs
-depth int
The crawl depth (default 5)
Discover path/folder/file with already found traversal
-o string
Output the results to a file
This flag will allow you to turn on the progress bar
-regex string
Filter crawl with regex pattern
-scope string
Specify a scope to crawl with in using regexs
Show Silent output
Enable/Disable test mode only
This flag will allow you to turn on traversing
-w string
The wordlist to use against a valid endpoint to traverse
▶ echo "" | tprox -w wordlist -traverse
▶ echo "" | tprox -w wordlist -crawl -traverse
▶ echo "" | tprox -w wordlist -crawl -traverse -regex "/api/"
▶ echo "" | tprox -w wordlist -crawl -traverse -regex "/api/" -scope ".*.\"
▶ echo "" | tprox -test -traverse
▶ echo "" | tprox -check
▶ echo "" | tprox -discover -progress -w wordlist
- Added some additional flags to help aid finding traversal misconfigurations
- Optimised the crawler
- Added a flag to disable/enable the progress bar
- Fixed the silent flag
- Added check,test & discover flags
- Fixed a crawling bug.
- Fixed a traversal bug, it now only prints internal files & endpoints very low % of false positives.
- Made some optimization fixes.
- Discover content fix, it was not finding content.
- Optimisation fixes.
if for some reason the program fails to install or update run:
sudo rm -r /home/<user-name>/go/pkg/mod/
go clean --modcache
go clean
Then try and install it again.
Tprox is distributed under MIT License