For ROS1 use piksi_multi_cpp with ROS noetic and Piksi Multi Firmware 2.4.20
Please use the new piksi_multi_cpp driver. The Python driver is not maintained and outdated. If you still want to use the Python driver checkout release v1.10.0.
For ROS2 use the official swiftnav-ros2 driver
This repository contains (python) ROS drivers, tools, launch files, and wikis about how to use Piksi Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS device in ROS. There are two different driver versions: one for Piksi V2 and one for Piksi Multi.
Check the Wiki for instructions on how to get started with Piksi RTK GPS receiver.
The main advantage of these ROS drivers is supporting a two link communication for GPS corrections: Xbee and Wifi (see Correction Over WiFi for more info).
Example GPS RTK setup: the Base Station knows its position (after geodetic survey) and can send RTK corrections over Xbee and Wifi to the Rover, which can then compute its accurate position.
Average time for Piksi Multi to get an RTK FIX (obtained with Piksi Multi Firmware 1.2.14 and lib sbp 2.2.15):
- piksi_multi_rtk_ros: ROS driver for Piksi RTK receiver device, hardware version Multi.
- piksi_rtk_kml: ROS node to generate KML files (Keyhole Markup Language) from Piksi messages. These files can be visualized in Google Earth.
- piksi_rtk_msgs: ROS messages used by the driver(s).
- piksi_v2_rtk_ros: ROS driver for Piksi RTK receiver device, hardware version V2. Discontinued
- rqt_gps_rtk_plugin: Graphical User Interface to check the status of RTK fix. This gui is implemented wit Qt such that it may be added to your preferred rqt perspective.
- utils: collection of configurations and useful scripts. This folder contains piksi_rtklib_postp which can be used to obtained post processed RTK positions using only Piksi Multi for data collection (i.e. a base station is not needed). See the corresponding wiki page.
RTK fix obtained in average in 3 minutes.
RTK fix obtained in average in 10 minutes.
The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.
Marco Tranzatto, Kai Holtmann, Michael Pantic, Rik Baehnemann - ETHZ ASL & RSL - 28 April 2019
Based on the initial work of Daniel Eckert.
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.
Before reporting a mulfunction in the driver, please have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
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