This is the repository for the paper "Towards Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning with Human-Friendly Prototypes"1.
The paper was published with a spotlight presentation at ICLR 2023, Kigali, Rwanda, see paper here.
The paper proposes a "wrapper" component which can be added to any pre-trained agent to make it interpretable-by-design. Specifically, the original agent
In the above figure for example, the agent sees its current state
This repo uses a lot of the code from Jain (2022)2, from which we use the pre-trained agent for the Car Racing domain.
To reproduce these results for the Car Racing Domain Simply copy the whole repo and run these commands in the terminal whilst in the "Car Racing" directory:
python3 -m venv pwnet
source pwnet/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install toml
pip install numpy
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install gym'[box2d]'
pip install tqdm
pip install gym==0.24.0
pip install gym-notices==0.0.7
pip install scikit-learn
Then run
When you have the collected data you can now train the various wrappers. Simply run...
Python run_pwnet*.py
And the terminal will print off the results, reproducing the results for Car Racing from the paper.
For the Atari Pong repeat the above process for car racing, but this time install this environment:
python3 -m venv pwnet
source pwnet/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install gym==0.21.0
pip install opencv-python
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install atari-py==0.2.9
pip install gym'[atari]'
pip install gym'[accept-rom-license]'
pip install scikit-learn
pip install toml
The code in this directory is heavily based upon Şentürk (2020)3
- Make package for easier usage.
For any questions or comments, please email [email protected].
title={Towards Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning with Human-Friendly Prototypes},
author={Eoin M. Kenny and Mycal Tucker and Julie Shah},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations },
Kenny, E.M., Tucker, M. and Shah, J., Towards Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning with Human-Friendly Prototypes. In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations. Kigali, Rwanda, 2023. (Spotlight, notable paper) ↩
Jinay Jain. Jinayjain/deep-racing: Self-driving racecar using reinforcement learning (proxi- mal policy optimization) in pytorch, 2022. URL deep-racing. ↩
Behc¸et Şentürk., 2022. URL ¨ https://github. com/nikhilbarhate99/Actor-Critic-PyTorch. ↩