A project for CECS 343
#Feed Url URL: http://cecs343-feeder.appspot.com/
#Sample Feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<b>Fresh Eating Right</b> <!-- brand -->
<t>Boneless</t> <!-- type -->
<n>Chicken</n> <!-- name -->
<p>2.99</p> <!-- price -->
<u>lb</u> <!-- unit (lb, oz, ea, etc..) -->
<ed>11/20/2013</ed> <!-- expire date (the date which the ad is no longer valid) -->
<pd>11/13/2013</pd> <!-- post date (the date which the ad starts being valid) -->
<sid>703-00186</sid> <!-- Store id -->
<m>0</m> <!-- Member's only -->
<c>Meat & Seafood</c> <!-- Category -->
<n>Ralphs</n> <!-- Name -->
<d>1.01</d> <!-- Distance (miles) -->
<id>703-00186</id> <!-- id -->
<a1>1930 N Lakewood Blvd</a1> <!-- Address 1 -->
<a2></a2> <!-- Address 2 -->
<c>Long Beach</c> <!-- City -->
<st>CA</s> <!-- State -->
<z>90815</z> <!-- Zip -->
We need to find meals that we can make out of this list. The list will be changing each week! I'll also try to think of ideas if it gets difficult.