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ryanflorence committed Nov 9, 2015
1 parent b83acdc commit c02c784
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## [HEAD]

## [v1.0.0]

Thanks for your patience :) Big changes from v0.13.x to 1.0. While on
the surface a lot of this just looks like shuffling around API, the
entire codebase has been rewritten to handle some really great use
cases, like loading routes and components on demand, session-based route
matching, server rendering, integration with libs like redux and relay,
and lots more.

But for now, here's how to translate the old API to the new one.

### Importing

The new `Router` component is a property of the top-level module.

// v0.13.x
var Router = require('react-router');
var Route = Router.Route;

// v1.0
var ReactRouter = require('react-router');
var Router = ReactRouter.Router;
var Route = ReactRouter.Route;

// or using ES Modules
import { Router, Route } from 'react-router';

### Rendering

// v0.13.x, (Handler) => {
render(<Handler/>, el);

// v1.0
render(<Router>{routes}</Router>, el)

// looks more like this:
<Route path="/" component={App}/>
), el);

// or if you'd rather
render(<Router routes={routes}/>, el)

### Locations

Locations are now called histories (that emit locations). You import
them from the [`history` package](, not react router.

// v0.13.x, Router.BrowserHistory, (Handler) => {
render(<Handler/>, el);

// v1.0
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'
let history = createBrowserHistory()
render(<Router history={history}>{routes}</Router>, el)

If you do not specify a history type (as in the example above) then you will notice some unusual behaviour after updating to 1.0.0. With the default hash based routing a querystring entry not defined by yourself will start appearing in your URLs called `_k`. An example of how it looks is this: `?_k=umhx1s`

This is intended and part of [createHashHistory]( (which is the default history approach used if one is not specified). You can read more about the feature [here]( and how to opt out [here](

### Route Config

You can still nest your routes as before, paths are inherited from
parents just like before but prop names have changed.

// v0.13.x
<Route name="about" handler={About}/>

// v1.0
<Route path="about" component={About}/>

Named routes are gone (for now, [see discussion](

### NotFound route

Not found really confused people, mistaking not finding resources
from your API for not matching a route. We've removed it completely
since it's simple with a `*` path.

// v0.13.x
<NotFoundRoute handler={NoMatch}/>

// v1.0
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>

### Redirect route

// v0.13.x
<Redirect from="some/where/:id" to="somewhere/else/:id" params={{id: 2}}/>

// v1.0
// Works the same as before, except no params, just put them in the path
<Redirect from="/some/where/:id" to="/somewhere/else/2"/>

### Links

#### path / params

// v0.13.x
<Link to="user" params={{userId:}}>Mateusz</Link>

// v1.0
// because named routes are gone, link to full paths, you no longer need
// to know the names of the parameters, and string templates are quite
// nice. Note that `query` has not changed.
<Link to={`/users/${}`}>Mateusz</Link>

#### "active" class

In 0.13.x links added the "active" class by default which you could
override with `activeClassName`, or provide `activeStyle`s. It's usually
just a handful of navigation links that need this behavior.

Links no longer add the "active" class by default (its expensive and
usually not necessary), you opt-in by providing one; if no
`activeClassName` or `activeStyle`s are provided, the link will not
check if it's active.

// v0.13.x
<Link to="about">About</Link>

// v1.0
<Link to="/about" activeClassName="active">About</Link>

#### Linking to Index routes

Because named routes are gone, a link to `/` with an index route at `/`
will always be active. So we've introduced `IndexLink` that is only
active when on exactly that path.

// v0.13.x
// with this route config
<Route path="/" handler={App}>
<DefaultRoute name="home" handler={Home}/>
<Route name="about" handler={About}/>

// will be active only when home is active, not when about is active
<Link to="home">Home</Link>

// v1.0
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home}/>
<Route path="about" component={About}/>

// will be active only when home is active, not when about is active
<IndexLink to="/">Home</IndexLink>

This gives you more granular control of what causes a link to be active
or not when there is an index route involved.

#### onClick handler

For consistency with React v0.14, returning `false` from a `Link`'s `onClick`
handler no longer prevents the transition. To prevent the transition, call
`e.preventDefault()` instead.

### RouteHandler

`RouteHandler` is gone. `Router` now automatically populates
`this.props.children` of your components based on the active route.

// v0.13.x
<RouteHandler someExtraProp={something}/>

// v1.0
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {someExtraProp: something})}

**Note:** React does not validate `propTypes` that are specified via `cloneElement` (see: [facebook/react#4494]( It is recommended to make such `propTypes` optional.

### Navigation Mixin

If you were using the `Navigation` mixin, use the `History` mixin instead.

// v0.13.x
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Navigation ],
navigateAfterSomethingHappened () {
this.transitionTo('/users', { userId: }, query);
// this.replaceWith('/users', { userId: }, query);

// v1.0
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ History ],
navigateAfterSomethingHappened () {
// the router is now built on rackt/history, and it is a first class
// API in the router for navigating
this.history.pushState(null, `/users/${}`, query);
// this.history.replaceState(null, `/users/${}`, query);

The following `Navigation` methods are now also found on the history
object, main difference again is there are no params or route names,
just pathnames.

| v0.13 | v1.0 |
| `go(n)` | `go(n)` |
| `goBack()` | `goBack()` |
| `goForward()` | `goForward()` |
| `makeHref(routeName, params, query)` | `createHref(pathname, query)` |
| `makePath(routeName, params, query)` | `createPath(pathname, query)` |

### State mixin

// v0.13.x
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ State ],
foo () {
// etc...

// v1.0
// if you are a route component...
<Route component={Assignment} />

var Assignment = React.createClass({
foo () {
this.props.location // contains path information
this.props.params // contains params

// if you're not a route component, you need to pass location down the
// tree or get the location from context. We will probably provide a
// higher order component that will do this for you but haven't yet.
// see further down for more information on what can be passed down
// via context
var Assignment = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
location: React.PropTypes.object
foo () {

Here's a table of where you used to get stuff with the `State` mixin,
and where you get it now if you're a route component (`this.props`)

| v0.13 (this) | v1.0 (this.props) |
| `getPath()` | ``|
| `getPathname()` | `location.pathname` |
| `getParams()` | `params` |
| `getQuery()` | `` |
| `getQueryParams()`| `location.query` |
| `getRoutes()` | `routes` |
| `isActive(to, params, query)` | `history.isActive(pathname, query, onlyActiveOnIndex)` |

Here is another table of properties you used to get via the `State` and
where you can get it now if you are **not** a route component

| v0.13 (this) | v1.0 (this.context) |
| `getPath()` | ``|
| `getPathname()` | `location.pathname` |
| `getQuery()` | `` |
| `getQueryParams()`| `location.query` |
| `isActive(to, params, query)` | `history.isActive(pathname, query, indexOnly)` |

Note not all `State` functionality can be accessed via context in v1.0.
For example, `params` is not available via context.

### Scrolling

We're developing scroll behaviors separately in the
library until we have a stable, robust implementation that we're happy with.
Currently, scroll behaviors are exposed there as history enhancers:

import createHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'
import useScroll from 'scroll-behavior/lib/useStandardScroll'

const history = useScroll(createHistory)()

### `willTransitionTo` and `willTransitionFrom`

Routes now define this behavior:

// v0.13.x
var Home = React.createClass({
statics: {
willTransitionTo (transition, params, query, callback) { }
willTransitionFrom (component, transition, params, query, callback) { }

// v1.0
onEnter={(location, replaceWith) => {}}
onLeave={() => {}}

To cancel a "transition from", please refer to the
[Confirming Navigation](docs/guides/advanced/ guide.

### We'll keep updating this

There's a lot of the old API we've missed, please give the [new
docs](/docs) a read and help us fill this guide in. Thanks!

34 changes: 8 additions & 26 deletions
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@@ -1,36 +1,18 @@
### Tests
## Tests

All commits that fix bugs or add features need a test.

`<blink>` Do not merge code without tests.`</blink>`

### Commit Subjects for Public API Changes
## Changelog

If your patch **changes the API or fixes a bug** please use one of the
following prefixes in your commit subject:
All commits that change or add to the API must be done in a pull request
that also:

- `[fixed] ...`
- `[changed] ...`
- `[added] ...`
- `[removed] ...`

That ensures the subject line of your commit makes it into the
auto-generated changelog. Do not use these tags if your change doesn't
fix a bug and doesn't change the public API.

Commits with changed, added, or removed, should probably be reviewed by
another collaborator.

#### When using `[changed]` or `[removed]`...

Please include an upgrade path with example code in the commit message.
If it doesn't make sense to do this, then it doesn't make sense to use
`[changed]` or `[removed]` :)

### Docs

Please update the docs with any API changes, the code and docs should
always be in sync.
- Add an entry to `` with clear steps for updating code for
changed or removed API.
- Updates examples
- Updates the docs

### Development

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