A Unity SDK for Meteor.
- Install
# Install Brew if it isn't already installed
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
# Install git if it isn't already installed
brew install git
# Install node
brew install node
# Install npm
brew install npm
# Install meteor
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
# Install meteor's package manager, meteorite
sudo -H npm install -g meteorite
- Create a new Unity project.
# For Mac
/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -createProject ~/Documents/Example
cd ~/Documents/Example
- Set your Unity project to use text serialization and visible metafiles. This is very important for good
functionality. - Initialize
and add the Meteor SDK as a submodule. This lets you use the bleeding edge of the project and contribute back changes to it really easily.
# Grab my handy and advanced .gitignore. This command downloads something from the Internet and saves it to a file.
curl https://github.com/hiddenswitch/Meteor-Unity-Tests/blob/develop/.gitignore > .gitignore
# Initialize git.
git init
# Make this your first commit
git -am "Initial commit."
# Add the submodules and initialize them. You can use the Meteor-Unity repo directly, or fork it so you can make changes to it (my practice).
git submodule add [email protected]:hiddenswitch/Meteor-Unity.git Assets/Scripts/Meteor
git submodule update --init --recursive
git commit -am "Adding submodules"
- Create a
project, add theaccounts-password
package, and run the project.
meteor create Web
cd Web
meteor add accounts-password
meteor run
- Connect to your server from Unity. All
work should live in coroutines.
// This will give you access to a .Serialize() method on every object to turn it into
// its JSON representation
using Extensions;
IEnumerator MeteorExample() {
var production = false;
// Connect to the meteor server. Yields when you're connected
if (production) {
yield return Meteor.Connection.Connect ("wss://productionserver.com/websocket");
} else {
yield return Meteor.Connection.Connect ("ws://localhost:3000/websocket");
// Login
yield return Meteor.Accounts.LoginAsGuest ();
// Create a collection
var collection = Meteor.Collection<DocumentType>.Create ("collectionName");
// Add some handlers
collection.DidAddRecord += (string id, DocumentType document) => {
Debug.Log(string.Format("Document added:\n{0}", document.Serialize()));
// Subscribe
var subscription = Meteor.Subscription.Subscribe ("subscriptionEndpointName", /*arguments*/ 1, 3, 4);
// The convention to turn something into a connection is to cast it to a Coroutine
yield return (Coroutine)subscription;
// Create a method call that returns a string
var methodCall = Meteor.Method<string>.Call ("getStringMethod", /*arguments*/1, 3, 4);
// Execute the method. This will yield until all the database sideffects have synced.
yield return (Coroutine)methodCall;
// Get the value returned by the method.
Debug.Log (string.Format ("Method response:\n{0}", methodCall.Response));
public class DocumentType : Meteor.MongoDocument {
public string stringField;
public int intField;