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Minimal changes to capture description hierarchy
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jiegillet committed Apr 9, 2022
1 parent 4c16b66 commit d791f59
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 71 deletions.
151 changes: 80 additions & 71 deletions extract-test-code/src/ExtractTestCode.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Elm.Parser
import Elm.Processing exposing (init, process)
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (..)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (emptyRange)
import Elm.Writer exposing (writeExpression)
import Json.Encode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ extractTestCode original =
Ok rawFile ->
process init rawFile
|> .declarations
|> List.concatMap findTestsInDeclaration
|> Node.value
|> List.concatMap extractFromDeclaration
-- |> testsToString
|> toExtractedTest
|> Json.Encode.list encode
|> Json.Encode.encode 2

deadEndsToString : List Parser.DeadEnd -> String
deadEndsToString deadEnds = deadEndToString deadEnds
|> String.join "\n"
|> String.join "/n"

deadEndToString : Parser.DeadEnd -> String
deadEndToString deadEnd =
"( " ++ fromInt deadEnd.row ++ ", " ++ fromInt deadEnd.col ++ " ): " ++ problemToString deadEnd.problem

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,18 @@ problemToString problem =
"Bad repeat"

-- testsToString : List ( String, Expression ) -> String
-- testsToString tests =
-- testToWriter tests
-- |> breaked
-- |> write
-- testToWriter : ( String, Expression ) -> Writer
-- testToWriter ( name, code ) =
-- [ string name, writeExpression (Node.Node emptyRange code) ]
-- |> breaked

toExtractedTest : ( String, Expression ) -> ExtractedTest
toExtractedTest ( name, code ) =
{ name = name
Expand All @@ -108,95 +120,92 @@ toExtractedTest ( name, code ) =

findTestsInDeclaration : Node Declaration -> List ( String, Expression )
findTestsInDeclaration (Node _ declaration) =
extractFromDeclaration : Declaration -> List ( String, Expression )
extractFromDeclaration declaration =
case declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration ->
findTestsInFunction [] functionDeclaration
extractFromFunction functionDeclaration

_ ->

findTestsInFunction : List String -> Function -> List ( String, Expression )
findTestsInFunction path { declaration } =
extractFromFunction : Function -> List ( String, Expression )
extractFromFunction functionDeclaration =
(Node _ { expression }) =
findTestsInExpression path expression

findTestsInExpression : List String -> Node Expression -> List ( String, Expression )
findTestsInExpression path (Node _ expression) =
case expression of
-- Only detects tests with names as a literal
Application [ Node _ (FunctionOrValue _ "test"), Node _ (Literal name), Node _ (LambdaExpression test) ] ->
[ ( (name :: path)
|> List.reverse
|> List.drop 1
|> String.join " > "
, Node.value test.expression

-- Only detects describes with names as a literal
Application [ Node _ (FunctionOrValue _ "describe"), Node _ (Literal name), tests ] ->
findTestsInExpression (name :: path) tests
name =
functionDeclaration.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value

Application expressions ->
List.concatMap (findTestsInExpression path) expressions

OperatorApplication "<|" _ (Node range (Application app)) right ->
findTestsInExpression path (Node range (Application (app ++ [ right ])))

OperatorApplication "|>" _ left (Node range (Application app)) ->
findTestsInExpression path (Node range (Application (app ++ [ left ])))
expression =
functionDeclaration.declaration |> Node.value |> .expression |> Node.value
-- This requires the top level function in a test module to be called "tests"
-- We could instead require it to have a type annotation that specifies a
-- function with no parameters that returns a Test
if name == "tests" then
extractFromExpression expression

OperatorApplication _ _ a b ->
List.concatMap (findTestsInExpression path) [ a, b ]

IfBlock _ a b ->
List.concatMap (findTestsInExpression path) [ a, b ]

TupledExpression expressions ->
List.concatMap (findTestsInExpression path) expressions
extractFromExpression : Expression -> List ( String, Expression )
extractFromExpression expression =
case expression of
Application nodeExpressions ->
expressions = Node.value nodeExpressions
case expressions of
(FunctionOrValue _ functionName) :: xs ->
if functionName == "describe" then
extractFromDescribeFunction xs

ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
findTestsInExpression path expr
else if functionName == "test" then
extractFromTestFunction xs

LetExpression letBlock ->
List.concatMap (finTestsInLetDeclaration path) letBlock.declarations
++ findTestsInExpression path letBlock.expression

CaseExpression { cases } ->
List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> findTestsInExpression path) cases
_ ->

LambdaExpression lambda ->
findTestsInExpression path lambda.expression
OperatorApplication _ _ left right ->
case Node.value left of
Application nodeExpressions2 ->
extractFromExpression (Application (nodeExpressions2 ++ [ right ]))

RecordExpr records ->
List.concatMap (\(Node _ ( _, expr )) -> findTestsInExpression path expr) records
_ ->

ListExpr list ->
List.concatMap (findTestsInExpression path) list
_ ->

RecordAccess expr _ ->
findTestsInExpression path expr

RecordUpdateExpression _ records ->
List.concatMap (\(Node _ ( _, expr )) -> findTestsInExpression path expr) records
{-| describe function should have a string parameter and a
list (of tests or desribe functions, which return a Test)
parameter. We want to process this list
extractFromDescribeFunction : List Expression -> List ( String, Expression )
extractFromDescribeFunction expressions =
case expressions of
_ :: (ListExpr testOrDescribes) :: [] ->
List.concatMap extractFromExpression ( Node.value testOrDescribes)

-- Other variants without recursive expressions
_ ->

finTestsInLetDeclaration : List String -> Node LetDeclaration -> List ( String, Expression )
finTestsInLetDeclaration path (Node _ letDeclaration) =
case letDeclaration of
LetFunction function ->
findTestsInFunction path function
{-| test function should have a string parameter to describe
the test, and then a function for the test. Only lambdas are
supported as the second parameter
extractFromTestFunction : List Expression -> List ( String, Expression )
extractFromTestFunction expressions =
case expressions of
(Literal name) :: (LambdaExpression test) :: [] ->
[ ( name, Node.value test.expression ) ]

LetDestructuring _ expr ->
findTestsInExpression path expr
_ ->

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