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Merge pull request #64 from exoclime/picket_fence
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Picket fence
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deitrr authored Feb 22, 2022
2 parents d8f6716 + 0bbfcec commit 378ba84
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Showing 20 changed files with 11,910 additions and 3,642 deletions.
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions ifile/picket_fence_wasp43b_hydro.thr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
# config file for THOR
# config format version
config_version = 1

# WASP-43b with grey RT and sponge layer (Mendonca+ 2018)

#-- Time stepping and output options -----------------------------------------#
# number of steps
num_steps = 288000

# length of timesteps in seconds
timestep = 300

# output
# output every n steps
n_out = 28800

# write to log file at a different cadence from n_out
custom_log_n_out = false
# how often to write to log file (if above = true)
log_n_out = 2880

# output directory (relative to current working directory)
# defaults to 'results'
results_path = picket_fence_wasp43b_hydro

# output global diagnostics (energy, mass, momentum, entropy)
globdiag = true

# output global diagnostics (to text file) at a different cadence from n_out
custom_global_n_out = false
# how often to output global diag to text (if above = true)
global_n_out = 1000

# output time mean quantities (averaged over interval between outputs)
output_mean = true

#-- Planetary parameters -----------------------------------------------------#
# name of simulation for output files
simulation_ID = wasp43b_hydro

# Radius [m]
radius = 72427000.0

# Rotation rate [rad s^-1]
rotation_rate = 9.09E-5

# Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
gravitation = 47.39

# Gas constant [J/(Kg K)]
Rd = 3714

# Specific heat capacities [J/(Kg K)]
Cp = 13000

# Mean atmospheric temperature [K]
Tmean = 1800.0

# Reference surface pressure [Pa]
P_ref = 1e8 #1e8

#-- Grid options -------------------------------------------------------------#
# Altitude of the top of the model domain [m]
Top_altitude = 2.45e6

# Horizontal resolution level.
glevel = 5

# Number of vertical layers
vlevel = 40

# Spring dynamics
spring_dynamics = true

# Parameter beta for spring dynamics
spring_beta = 1.15

# use grid refinement in vertical for lower atmos
vert_refined = false

#lowest layer thickness (used with vert_refined = true) (meters)
lowest_layer_thickness = 2

#altitude to transition to linear spacing (used with vert_refined=true) (meters)
transition_altitude = 1000

#-- Model options ------------------------------------------------------------#
# Non-hydrostatic parameter
NonHydro = false

# Deep atmosphere
DeepModel = true

# Initial conditions
rest = true

# initial conditions file, used if rest is set to false
# (path relative to current working directory)
# defaults to 'ifile/esp_initial.h5'
# 'planet' file must be present with name a la 'ifile/esp_initial_planet.h5'
initial = ifile/esp_initial.h5

# initial temperature-pressure profile (isothermal or guillot)
# overridden if rest = false !
# if isothermal: T = Tmean
# if guillot: equations 27 (Guillot 2010)
# with Teq = Tmean and mu* = 0.5
# also uses the gray RT params Tint, kappa_lw, kappa_sw, f_lw
# includes the collision-induced absorption approx. from Heng+ 2011
# this can be omitted by setting f_lw = 1

# Lee comment - generally try guillot first then if that fails try isothermal
init_PT_profile = parmentier

# Core benchmark tests
# Held-Suarez test for Earth == HeldSuarez
# Benchmark test for shallow hot Jupiter == ShallowHotJupiter
# Benchmark test for deep hot Jupiter == DeepHotJupiter
# Benchmark test for tidally locked Earth == TidallyLockedEarth
# Acoustic wave test = AcousticTest
# Gravity wave test = GWaveTest
# No benchmark test == NoBenchmark (model is then forced with grey RT by default)
core_benchmark = NoBenchmark

# Switch off dynamical core (gcm)
# This is useful for testing/debugging physics modules
gcm_off = false

# use (dry) convective adjustment scheme
conv_adj = true

# type of thermodynamic equation = "entropy" (ready) or "energy" (in development!!)
thermo_equation = entropy

# ultrahot atmosphere options (hydrogen only)
# under development!!
# heating due to H/H2 chemisty ('none', 'quasi_eql', or 'relax_chem')
ultrahot_heating = none
# variable thermodynamics due to H/H2 chem ('none', 'vary_R_CP', or 'full' )
ultrahot_thermo = none

## diffusion ############################################
# Hyper-diffusion
HyDiff = true

# Order of hyperdiffusion operator (4,6,8,...)
HyDiffOrder = 6

# Divergence-damping
DivDampP = true

# Strength of diffusion
Diffc = 0.0025 #0.015

# Strength of divergence damping
DivDampc = 0.01 #0.015

# Add vertical terms to hyperdiffusion (6th order)
VertHyDiff = true

# Strength of vertical hyperdiffusion
Diffc_v = 0.001


#-- Sponge layer (Rayleigh drag or diffusive sponge) ----------------------#
# use sponge layer (Rayleigh drag) at top of atmosphere?
RayleighSponge = true

# use temperature sponge layer (Rayleigh drag) at top of atmosphere?
# (not well tested!)
RayleighSpongeT = false

# if true, damp to zonal mean (i.e., damp eddy component) (rayleigh sponge)
# if false, damp to zero
damp_uv_to_mean = true
damp_w_to_mean = true

# latitude bins for rayleigh sponge (zonal mean is calculated over these)
nlat_bins = 20

# bottom of rayleigh sponge layer (fractional height)
ns_ray_sponge = 0.8

# strength of rayleigh sponge layer (1/damping time)
# horizontal component
Ruv_sponge = 1e-3
# vertical component
Rw_sponge = 1e-4

# Technical setting: change how rayleigh sponge is applied
# imp = implicitly update momentum in profx, averages computed once per dt
# exp1 = explicitly add damping to slow modes, averages computed once per dt
# exp3 = explicitly add damping to slow modes, averages computed 3x per dt
raysp_calc_mode = imp

# use diffusive sponge layer at top of atmosphere? (in development!!)
DiffSponge = true

# strength of diffusive sponge layer (unitless)
Dv_sponge = 0.01 #0.005

# bottom of diffusive sponge layer (fractional height)
ns_diff_sponge = 0.8

# order of diffusion operator in diff sponge (2 or 4)
order_diff_sponge = 4

#-- Radiative transfer (gray) options (core_benchmark = NoBenchmark) -------------------#
## RT parameters #######################################
radiative_transfer = true

# stellar temperature (K)
Tstar = 4300 #4520

# stellar metalicity [Fe/H] (for picket-fence scheme essential)
MetStar = 0.0

# orbital distance or semi-major axis (au)
planet_star_dist = 0.01525

# radius of host star (R_sun)
radius_star = 0.667

# bond albedo of planet
albedo = 0.18

# diff_ang = 1/(diffusivity factor) for lw radiation
diff_ang = 0.5

# power law index of unmixed absorbers (lw and sw)
# optical depth at P_ref is: tau_lw = (kappa_lw/(f_lw*g)) * P_ref
# n_lw = 2 approximations collision-induced absorption
# n_lw = 4 approximations water-vapor in Earth troposph.
n_lw = 2

# optical depth at P_ref is: tau_sw = (kappa_sw/g) * (P_ref)
n_sw = 1

# These params are also used if init_PT_profile = guillot
# grey opacity of thermal wavelengths
kappa_lw = 0.0025

# grey opacity of incoming stellar flux
kappa_sw = 0.00125

# strength of unmixed absorbers in lw
f_lw = 0.5

# temperature of internal heat flux (bottom boundary) (K)
Tint = 550.87

# add sin(lat)^2 dependence to tau lw (advanced)
latf_lw = false
# opacity at poles (lw)
kappa_lw_pole = 0.0025

# include surface heating
surface = false
# heat capacity of surface
Csurf = 1e7

# run gray RT code without GCM, every column identical zenith angle (experimental!)
rt1Dmode = false


## insolation (orbit + spin-state) parameters ###########
# synchronous rotation (tidally-locking at 1:1)
sync_rot = true

# mean motion of orbit (if sync_rot=false and ecc>0) (rad/s)
#mean_motion = 1.98e-7

# initial substellar longitude (deg)
#alpha_i = 0

# initial orbital position (deg)
#true_long_i = 0

# eccentricity of orbit
#ecc = 0

# obliquity (axial-tilt) (deg)
#obliquity = 0

# longitude of periastron (relative to equinox) (deg)
# (stupid Earth convention applies)
#longp = 0
# spin up and spin down start and stop. Set to negative value to ignore and run at full power
# spins up/down with a multiplication factor following a sine from 0 to 1 from
# start to stop of spin up time
#dgrt_spinup_start = -1
#dgrt_spinup_stop = -1
#dgrt_spindown_start = -1
#dgrt_spindown_stop = -1

#-- Boundary layer options (core_benchmark = NoBenchmark) --------------------#
boundary_layer = false

# type of boundary layer drag ('RayleighHS' or 'LocalMixL')
bl_type = RayleighHS

# strength of drag (bl_type = RayleighHS)
#surf_drag = 1.157407e-5

# boundary layer sigma (drag exist at this % of surface pressure and above)
# (bl_type = RayleighHS)
#bl_sigma = 0.7

# surface roughness length (meters) (bl_type = LocalMixL)
#z_rough = 3.21e-5

# asymptotic scale length (ASL) for BL (meters) (bl_type = LocalMixL)
#abl_asym_len = 150

# asymptotic scale length (ASL) for free atmos (meters) (bl_type = LocalMixL)
#free_asym_len = 30

# height to transition from BL to free atmos for ASL (meters) (bl_type = LocalMixL)
# set to -1 to use abl_asym_len in entire atmosphere
#asl_transition_height = -1

#-- Hot Jupiter chemistry ----------------------------------------------------#
# chemical relaxation model from Mendonca+ 2018(b)
# contains species CH4, CO, H2O, CO2, NH3
chemistry = true

# the files below contain the time scales and equilibrium values (from VULCAN)
chem_time_file = src/physics/modules/ifile/solar_chem_time.txt
chem_fEQ_file = src/physics/modules/ifile/solar_fEQ_THOR.txt

#-- Device options -----------------------------------------------------------#
# GPU ID number
GPU_ID_N = 0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mjolnir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -896,6 +896,7 @@ def regrid(resultsf, simID, ntsi, nts, pgrid_ref='auto', overwrite=False, comp=4
'W': (output.Wh[:, :-1, 0] + (output.Wh[:, 1:, 0] - output.Wh[:, :-1, 0]) * interpz[None, :]) / output.Rho[:, :, 0],
'Rho': output.Rho[:, :, 0],
'Mh': output.Mh[:, :, :, 0],
# 'diffmh': output.diffmh[:, :, :, 0],
'Pressure': output.Pressure[:, :, 0],
'Rd': output.Rd[:, :, 0],
'Cp': output.Cp[:, :, 0],
Expand Down

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