CoC Inheritance 2023 || SemiColonizers
Table of Contents
Music streaming web application for smooth endless playback featuring gesture controls as an alternative to button pressing.
- Play/Pause, Change Volume and much more using simple hand gestures.
- Smooth playback of all your favourite songs using the Spoitfy Web Playback SDK.
- Create your own playlists full of the songs you like.
- Blend playlists with your friends to find out how good a match you are for them.
- Search for new songs and artists to listen to.
- JavaScript
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Mongoose
- MongoDB Atlas
- OpenCV
- FastAPI
Working Playback, liking and following songs and artists
Working ML model that detects gestures
Blending of playlists
Song recommnedations from Spotify
Automated Spotify Authentication for users
Optimise ML model to improve accuracy
- Develop own recommendation algorithm
- Deploy application on compatible hosting service
Ease of Use: The availability of gesture controls leaves the user free to do any other work while still having full control over the music playing, keeping the user free from distractions to focus on the task at hand.
Music Streaming: The user can play any music of their choosing through our application, create playlists and even discover new music through recommendations.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
In the backend folder, create the .env file according to the sample file given, follow the readme instructions in the backend folder.
For the frontend setup, follow the readme instructions in the frontend folder.
In openmusic/backend/:
$ node index.js
$ nodemon run
In openmusic/frontend/:
$ npm run start