Our optimized production web-server setup based on docker
- openlitespeed + PHP 7.4 + letsencrypt ssl + mariadb(mysql) + redis + memcached
- We have near or perfect scores for all the major webpage and performance tests
- There are literally thousands of sites using this setup, everything from online shops with more than 35 000 active customers to a simple blogs and forums.
- In 2020 nginx + php-fpm was replaced with openlitespeed due to the massive performance advantage wordpress has with lscache.
- Everything is optimized and the config values used are derived by years of testing, tweaking and observing real world data.
- extremeshok/unbound caching dns
- extremeshok/openlitespeed-php optimised openlitespeed with php webserver
- extremeshok/acme-http2https generates letsencrypt certificates and forwards all http to httpS
- containrrr/watchtower autoupdates docker containers
- mariadb:10.5 mysql, but better
- tiredofit/db-backup backup mysql databases every 1 hour
- bitnami/phpmyadmin webbased database admin
- redis caching store
- memcached caching store
- robbertkl/ipv6nat ipv6nat
- optimized
- vhosts (host multiple independent domains)
- hourly mysql database backups
- simple management
- automatic updates for wordpress
- fully integrated
- stable
- quickly backup and restore databases
- webserver file permissions and owenership are corrected on startup (non blocking)
- administration via a single shell command
- webinterfaces are so 2000;s
- optimized out of the box
- a user can host multiple websites
- low resource usage
- quick to bootstrap
- ubuntu + docker
- VM / VPS (as a rule, always run a vm instead of baremetal, makes it easy to upgrade and do maintenance)
- Fresh/clean UBUNTU LTS configured with the xshok-ubuntu-docker-host.sh script https://github.com/extremeshok/xshok-docker
- Project run from the /datastore dir.
- .env is generated on first install, as the passwords are always randomised.
- there is no need to configure or edit the docker-compose.yml
- all administration is done via xshok-admin.sh
- files are saved into the volumes dir
- restoring sql files, a temporary filtered sql file is created with the create database, alter database, drop database and use statements removed
2 vcpu, 4GB ram (2GB can be used), NVME storage (webservers need nvme, sata ssd is too slow and hdd is pointless)
- Download and place the files into /datastore
- start servers
bash xshok-admin.sh --start
- start servers at boot
bash xshok-admin.sh --boot
- set a password for the litespeed weadmin https://hostname:7080
bash xshok-admin.sh --password
- add a FQDN domain, create a database and generate a letsencrypt ssl
bash xshok-admin.sh --qa fqdn.com
- restart litespeed to apply the changes
bash xshok-admin.sh --restart
used to control and manage the webserver, add domains, databases, ssl etc.
eXtremeSHOK.com Webserver
-wl | --website-list
list all websites
-wa | --website-add [domain_name]
add a website
-wd | --website-delete [domain_name]
delete a website
-wp | --website-permissions [domain_name]
fix permissions and ownership of a website
-dl | --database-list [domain_name]
list all databases for domain
-da | --database-add [domain_name]
add a database to domain, database name, user and pass autogenerated
-dd | --database-delete [database_name]
delete a database
-dp | --database-password [database_name]
reset the password for a database
-dr | --database-restore [database_name] [/your/path/file_name]
restore a database backup file to database_name, supports .gz and .sql
-ba | --backup-all [/your/path]*optional*
backup all databases, optional backup path, file will use the default sql/databasename.sql.gz
-bd | --backup-database [database_name] [/your/path/file_name]*optional*
backup a database, optional backup filename, will use the default sql/databasename.sql.gz if not specified
-sl | --ssl-list
list all ssl
-sa | --ssl-add [domain_name]
add ssl to a website
-sd | --ssl-delete [domain_name]
delete ssl from a website
-qa | --quick-add [domain_name]
add website, database, ssl, restart server
-wc | --warm-cache [domain_name]
loads a website sitemap and visits each page, used to warm the cache
--up | --start | --init
start xshok-webserver (will launch docker-compose.yml)
--down | --stop
stop all dockers and docker-compose
-r | --restart
gracefully restart openlitespeed with zero down time
-b | --boot | --service | --systemd
creates a systemd service to start docker and run docker-compose.yml on boot
-p | --password
generate and set a new web-admin password
-e | --env
generate a new .env from the default.env
-H, --help
Display help and exit.