A service that resets USB devices based on their location info.
Codes are based on python and powershell commands.
1. Open CMD as admin and follow the steps below:
2. First you need to install the pywin32 package:
pip install pywin32
3. Run the command to install the service:
python usb_reset_service.py install # Install the service and set "Startup Type: Manuel"
python usb_reset_service.py install --startup auto # Install the service and set "Startup Type: Automatic"
4. To start the service:
python usb_reset_service.py start
5. To stop the service:
python usb_reset_service.py stop
6. To remove the service:
python usb_reset_service.py remove # The process may take some time to complete.
sc delete usbresetservice # Service name 'usbresetservice' is defined in the 'usb_reset_service.py'
Technologies used in the project:
- Python
- Powershell