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A fork of the great TokenTactics with support for CAE and token endpoint v2


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TokenTactics v2

This is an updated version of TokenTactics originally written by Stephan Borosh @rvrsh3ll & Bobby Cooke @0xBoku.

0.2.10 (2025-02-25)

  • Bugfix: Wrong type initialization

0.2.9 (2025-02-17)

  • Add ResourceTenant for Get-AzureToken to support B2B device code phishing
  • Switch out Azure Management client id
  • Add UseCodeVerifier to support Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
  • Add UseV1Endpoint to some functions to support a broader variety of endpoint tests

0.2.8 (2025-01-18)

  • Add Get-AzureTokenFromRefreshTokenCredentialCookie ("x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential") and add modularized Get-AzureTokenFromCookie
  • Add parameter to choose cookie type (ESTSAuth, ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT) to Get-AzureTokenFromESTSCookie
  • Add sample output for Get-AzureTokenFromAuthorizationCode to Get-AzureAuthorizationCode output
  • Improved output and more verbose error handling

0.2.7 (2025-01-08)

  • Expand Get-AzureTokenFromESTSCookie to support the appverify endpoint
  • Improve cookie management of Get-AzureTokenFromESTSCookie

0.2.6 (2025-01-04)

  • Fix bug custom scopes in Get-AzureAuthorizationCode and Get-AzureTokenFromAuthorizationCode
  • Change default redirect Uri for Get-AzureAuthorizationCode

0.2.5 (2025-01-04)

  • Added new cmdlets Get-AzureAuthorizationCode and Get-AzureTokenFromAuthorizationCode
    Those cmdlets are heavily inspired by TokenSmith maintained by @gladstomych
  • Added new cmdlet Invoke-RefreshToDeviceRegistrationToken which is a TokenTactics version of the AADInternals cmdlet Get-AccessTokenForAADJoin
  • Added v1 endpoint support for Invoke-RefreshToToken with the UseV1Endpoint. This was required to add Invoke-RefreshToDeviceRegistrationToken
  • Added pipeline support for ConvertFrom-JWTtoken
  • Add default values to Get-ForgedUserAgent

0.2.1 (2023-07-21)

  • Support for Linux as a device platform
  • Support for OS/2 as a device platform 😁

0.2.2 (2023-07-22)

0.2.3 (2023-07-23)

New Features in v2

  • Switched to v2.0 of the Azure AD OAuth2 endpoint
  • Support for continuous access evaluation using the new -UseCAE switch
  • Made ClientId a parameter
  • Changed client_id for MSTeams
  • Added support for OneDrive and SharePoint
  • Added IssuedAt, NotBefore, ExpirationDate and ValidForHours in ConvertFrom-JWTtoken output in human readable format
  • Refactored the codebase to for easier maintenance

Azure JSON Web Token ("JWT") Manipulation Toolset

Azure access tokens allow you to authenticate to certain endpoints as a user who signs in with a device code. If you are in possesion of a FOCI (Family of Client IDs) capable refresh token you can use it to get access tokens to all known FOCI capable endpoints. Since the refresh-token also contains the information if the user has done multi-factor authentication you can use this. Once you have a user's access token, it may be possible to access certain apps such as Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, MSTeams and more.

For instance, if you have a Graph or MSGraph refresh token, you can then connect to Azure and dump users, groups, etc. You could then, depending on conditional access policies, switch to an Azure Core Management token and run AzureHound. Then, get an Outlook access token and read/send emails or MS Teams and read/send teams messages!

For more on Azure token types Microsoft identity platform access tokens

There are some example requests to endpoints in the resources folder. There is also an example phishing template for device code phishing.

You may also use these tokens with AAD Internals as well. We strongly recommended to check this amazing tool out.

Installation and Usage

Import-Module .\TokenTactics.psd1
Get-Help Get-AzureToken
Invoke-RefreshToSubstrateToken -Domain ""

Get refresh token using Device Code flow

Get-AzureToken -Client MSGraph

Once the user has logged in, you'll be presented with the JWT and it will be saved in the $response variable. To access the access token use $response.access_token from your PowerShell window to display the token. You may also display the refresh token with $response.refresh_token. Hint: You'll want the refresh token to keep refreshing to new tokens!

DOD/Mil Device Code

Get-AzureToken -Client DODMSGraph

Get a Refresh Token from ESTSAuth* Cookie

Get-AzureTokenFromESTSCookie -ESTSAuthCookie "0.AbcApTk..."

This module uses authorization code flow to obtain an access token and refresh token using ESTSAuth (or ESTSAuthPersistent) cookie. Useful if you have phished a session via Evilginx or have otherwise obtained this cookie.

Be sure to use the right cookie! ESTSAuthPersistent is only useful when a CA policy actually grants a persistent session. Otherwise, you should use ESTSAuth. You can usually tell which one to use based on length, the longer cookie is the one you want to use :)

Note: This may not work in all cases as it may require user interaction. If this is the case, either use the Device Code flow above, or try roadtx interactiveauth --estscookie

This feature was backported from the pull request by rotarydrone in the original repo.

Get a refresh token using the authorization code flow

One of the most prominent example for this oauth2 flow (at least at the beginning on 2025) is the Intune Company Portal which allows, for some resources, to bypass device compliance requirements.

This intel was first published by @dirkjan and then released at Black Hat Europe to a wider audience by @TEMP43487580

JumpsecLabs published a blog article and a POC in form of TokenSmith shortly after.

Now the same capabilities are available in TokenTacticsV2.

Get-AzureAuthorizationCode will create a URL you can then use to authenticate to.

Get-AzureTokenFromAuthorizationCode uses wither the full URL or can be used with the parameters AuthorizationCode and RedirectUrl to exchange the auth code to an access and refresh token. After that you can try to get access to other resources as always.

How to use the new cmdlets

Refresh to new access token

If you do not specify a refresh token the cmdlets will use $response.refresh_token as a default.

Invoke-RefreshToOutlookToken -domain ""


Connect to AzureAD using access token

Connect-AzureAD -AadAccessToken $response.access_token -AccountId

Connect to MgGraph using access token

Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken -Domain ""
Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $MSGraphToken.access_token -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"

Clear tokens

This will remove any token variables.

Clear-Token -Token All

Continuous Access Evaluation

With continuous access evaluation Microsoft implements additional security measures, but also extend the maximum lifetime of an access token to 24 hours. Certain CAE capable service like MSGraph, Exchange, Teams and SharePoint can blocke access tokens based on certain events triggered by Azure AD. Currently those critical events are:

  • User Account is deleted or disabled
  • Password for a user is changed or reset
  • Multi-factor authentication is enabled for the user
  • Administrator explicitly revokes all refresh tokens for a user
  • High user risk detected by Azure AD Identity Protection (not in Teams and SharePoint Online)
Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken -Domain "" -UseCAE
if ( $global:MSGraphTokenValidForHours -gt 23) { "MSGraph token is CAE capable" }

Use with AAD Internals

If you have AADInternals installed as well you can use the created access tokens.

Invoke-RefreshToMSTeamsToken -UseCAE -Domain ""
Set-AADIntTeamsStatusMessage -Message "My cool status message" -AccessToken $MSTeamsToken.access_token -Verbose


Get-Command -Module TokenTactics

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Clear-Token                                        0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        ConvertFrom-JWTtoken                               0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-AzureAuthorizationCode                         0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-AzureToken                                     0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-AzureTokenFromAuthorizationCode                0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-AzureTokenFromESTSCookie                       0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-ForgedUserAgent                                0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Get-TenantID                                       0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToAzureCoreManagementToken           0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToAzureKeyVaultToken                 0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToAzureManagementToken               0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToAzureStorageToken                  0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToDeviceRegistrationToken            0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToDODMSGraphToken                    0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToGraphToken                         0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToMAMToken                           0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken                       0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToMSManageToken                      0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToMSTeamsToken                       0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToOfficeAppsToken                    0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToOfficeManagementToken              0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToOneDriveToken                      0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToOutlookToken                       0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToSharePointToken                    0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToSubstrateToken                     0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToToken                              0.3.0      TokenTactics
Function        Invoke-RefreshToYammerToken                        0.3.0      TokenTactics

Authors and contributors

TokenTactic's methods are highly influenced by the great research of Dr Nestori Syynimaa at


A fork of the great TokenTactics with support for CAE and token endpoint v2







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