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Component | Chord Diagram | Fix: padAngle and emptyNode behavior (+ r…
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reb-dev committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent ef6c472 commit 0c1eb48
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Showing 6 changed files with 172 additions and 182 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ export class VisChordDiagramComponent<N extends ChordInputNode, L extends ChordI
/** Node label alignment. Default: `ChordLabelAlignment.Along` */
@Input() nodeLabelAlignment?: GenericAccessor<ChordLabelAlignment | string, ChordNodeDatum<N>>

/** Pad angle in radians. Constant value or accessor function. Default: `0.02` */
@Input() padAngle?: NumericAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>
/** Pad angle in radians. Default: `0.02` */
@Input() padAngle?: number

/** Corner radius constant value or accessor function. Default: `2` */
@Input() cornerRadius?: NumericAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions packages/ts/src/components/chord-diagram/config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ import { ColorAccessor, GenericAccessor, NumericAccessor, StringAccessor } from
import { ChordInputLink, ChordInputNode, ChordLabelAlignment, ChordLinkDatum, ChordNodeDatum } from './types'

export interface ChordDiagramConfigInterface<N extends ChordInputNode, L extends ChordInputLink> extends ComponentConfigInterface {
/** Angular range of the diagram. Default: `[0, 2 * Math.PI]` */
angleRange?: [number, number];
/** Corner radius constant value or accessor function. Default: `2` */
cornerRadius?: NumericAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>;
/** Node id or index to highlight. Overrides default hover behavior if supplied. Default: `undefined` */
highlightedNodeId?: number | string;
/** Link ids or index values to highlight. Overrides default hover behavior if supplied. Default: [] */
Expand All @@ -28,12 +32,8 @@ export interface ChordDiagramConfigInterface<N extends ChordInputNode, L extends
nodeLabelColor?: StringAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>;
/** Node label alignment. Default: `ChordLabelAlignment.Along` */
nodeLabelAlignment?: GenericAccessor<ChordLabelAlignment | string, ChordNodeDatum<N>>;
/** Pad angle in radians. Constant value or accessor function. Default: `0.02` */
padAngle?: NumericAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>;
/** Corner radius constant value or accessor function. Default: `2` */
cornerRadius?: NumericAccessor<ChordNodeDatum<N>>;
/** Angular range of the diagram. Default: `[0, 2 * Math.PI]` */
angleRange?: [number, number];
/** Pad angle in radians. Default: `0.02` */
padAngle?: number;
/** The exponent property of the radius scale. Default: `2` */
radiusScaleExponent?: number;
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196 changes: 35 additions & 161 deletions packages/ts/src/components/chord-diagram/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { max } from 'd3-array'
import { nest } from 'd3-collection'
import { HierarchyNode, hierarchy, partition } from 'd3-hierarchy'
import { partition } from 'd3-hierarchy'
import { Selection } from 'd3-selection'
import { scalePow, ScalePower } from 'd3-scale'
import { arc } from 'd3-shape'
Expand All @@ -10,31 +9,22 @@ import { ComponentCore } from 'core/component'
import { GraphData, GraphDataModel } from 'data-models/graph'

// Utils
import { getNumber, isNumber, groupBy, getString, getValue } from 'utils/data'
import { getNumber, isNumber, getString, getValue } from 'utils/data'
import { estimateStringPixelLength } from 'utils/text'

// Types
import { GraphNodeCore } from 'types/graph'
import { Spacing } from 'types/spacing'

// Local Types
import {
} from './types'
import { ChordInputNode, ChordInputLink, ChordDiagramData, ChordNode, ChordRibbon, ChordLabelAlignment, ChordLeafNode } from './types'

// Config
import { ChordDiagramDefaultConfig, ChordDiagramConfigInterface } from './config'

// Modules
import { createNode, updateNode, removeNode } from './modules/node'
import { createLabel, updateLabel, removeLabel, LABEL_PADDING } from './modules/label'
import { getHierarchyNodes, getRibbons, positionChildren } from './modules/layout'
import { createLink, updateLink, removeLink } from './modules/link'

// Styles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,48 +117,51 @@ export class ChordDiagram<

setData (data: GraphData<N, L>): void {
const hierarchyData = this._getHierarchyNodes()

const partitionData = partition<N | ChordHierarchyNode<N>>()
.size([this.config.angleRange[1], 1])(hierarchyData) as ChordNode<N>

partitionData.each((node, i) => {
this._calculateRadialPosition(node, getNumber(, this.config.padAngle))

// Add hierarchy data for non leaf nodes
if (node.children) { = Object.assign(, {
depth: node.depth,
height: node.height,
value: node.value,
ancestors: node.ancestors().map(d => ( as ChordHierarchyNode<N>).key),
node.x0 = Number.isNaN(node.x0) ? 0 : node.x0
node.x1 = Number.isNaN(node.x1) ? 0 : node.x1
node.uid = `${this.uid}-n${i}`
node._state = {}

_layoutData (): void {
const { nodes, links } = this.datamodel
const { padAngle, linkValue, nodeLevels } = this.config
nodes.forEach(n => { delete n._state.value })
links.forEach(l => {
delete l._state.points
l._state.value = getNumber(l, linkValue)
l.source._state.value = (l.source._state.value || 0) + getNumber(l, linkValue) = ( || 0) + getNumber(l, linkValue)

const root = getHierarchyNodes(nodes, d => d._state?.value, nodeLevels)

const partitionData = partition().size([this.config.angleRange[1], 1])(root) as ChordNode<N>
partitionData.each((n, i) => {
positionChildren(n, padAngle)
n.uid = `${this.uid.substr(0, 4)}-${i}`
n.x0 = Number.isNaN(n.x0) ? 0 : n.x0
n.x1 = Number.isNaN(n.x1) ? 0 : n.x1
n._state = {}

const partitionDataWithRoot = partitionData.descendants()
this._rootNode = partitionDataWithRoot.find(d => d.depth === 0)
this._nodes = partitionDataWithRoot.filter(d => d.depth !== 0) // Filter out the root node
this._links = this._getRibbons(partitionData)
this._links = getRibbons<N>(partitionData, links, padAngle)

_render (customDuration?: number): void {
const { config, bleed } = this

const duration = isNumber(customDuration) ? customDuration : config.duration
const size = Math.min(this._width, this._height)
const radius = size / 2 - max([, bleed.bottom, bleed.left, bleed.right])

this.radiusScale.range([0, radius])
this.radiusScale.range([0, radius - config.nodeWidth])

.startAngle(d => d.x0)
.endAngle(d => d.x1)
.startAngle(d => d.x0 + config.padAngle / 2 - (d.value ? 0 : Math.PI / 360))
.endAngle(d => d.x1 - config.padAngle / 2 + (d.value ? 0 : Math.PI / 360))
.cornerRadius(d => getNumber(, config.cornerRadius))
.innerRadius(d => this.radiusScale(d.y1) - getNumber(d, config.nodeWidth))
.outerRadius(d => this.radiusScale(d.y1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,128 +230,6 @@ export class ChordDiagram<
.call(removeLabel, duration)

private _getHierarchyNodes (): HierarchyNode<ChordHierarchyNode<N>> {
const { config, datamodel: { nodes, links } } = this
nodes.forEach(n => { delete n._state.value })
links.forEach(l => {
delete l._state.points
l.source._state.value = (l.source._state.value || 0) + getNumber(l, config.linkValue) = ( || 0) + getNumber(l, config.linkValue)

// TODO: Replace with d3-group
const nestGen = nest<N>()
config.nodeLevels.forEach(levelAccessor => {
nestGen.key((d) => (d as unknown as Record<string, string>)[levelAccessor])
const root = { key: 'root', values: nestGen.entries(nodes) }
const hierarchyNodes = hierarchy(root, d => d.values)
.sum((d) => (d as unknown as GraphNodeCore<N, L>)._state?.value)

return hierarchyNodes

private _getRibbons (partitionData: ChordNode<N>): ChordRibbon<N>[] {
const { config, datamodel: { links } } = this
const findNode = (
nodes: ChordLeafNode<N>[],
id: string
): ChordLeafNode<N> => nodes.find(n => === id)
const leafNodes = partitionData.leaves() as ChordLeafNode<N>[]

type LinksArrayType = typeof links
const groupedBySource: Record<string, LinksArrayType> = groupBy(links, d => d.source._id)
const groupedByTarget: Record<string, LinksArrayType> = groupBy(links, d =>

const getNodesInRibbon = (
source: ChordLeafNode<N>,
target: ChordLeafNode<N>,
partitionHeight: number,
nodes: ChordLeafNode<N>[] = []
): ChordNode<N>[] => {
nodes[source.height] = source
nodes[partitionHeight * 2 - target.height] = target
if (source.parent && target.parent) getNodesInRibbon(source.parent, target.parent, partitionHeight, nodes)
return nodes

const calculatePoints = (
links: LinksArrayType,
type: 'in' | 'out',
depth: number
): void => {
links.forEach(link => {
if (!link._state.points) link._state.points = []
const sourceLeaf = findNode(leafNodes, link.source._id)
const targetLeaf = findNode(leafNodes,
const nodesInRibbon = getNodesInRibbon(
type === 'out' ? sourceLeaf : targetLeaf,
type === 'out' ? targetLeaf : sourceLeaf,
const currNode = nodesInRibbon[depth]
const len = currNode.x1 - currNode.x0
const x0 = currNode._prevX1 ?? currNode.x0
const x1 = x0 + len * getNumber(link, config.linkValue) / currNode.value
currNode._prevX1 = x1

const pointIdx = type === 'out' ? depth : partitionData.height * 2 - 1 - depth
link._state.points[pointIdx] = {
a0: Math.min(x0, x1), // - Math.PI / 2,
a1: Math.max(x0, x1), // - Math.PI / 2,
r: currNode.y1,

leafNodes.forEach(leafNode => {
const outLinks = groupedBySource[] || []
const inLinks = groupedByTarget[] || []
for (let depth = 0; depth < partitionData.height; depth += 1) {
calculatePoints(outLinks, 'out', depth)
calculatePoints(inLinks, 'in', depth)

const ribbons = => {
const sourceNode = findNode(leafNodes, l.source._id)
const targetNode = findNode(leafNodes,

return {
source: sourceNode,
target: targetNode,
data: l,
points: l._state.points,
_state: {},

return ribbons

private _calculateRadialPosition (
hierarchyNode: ChordNode<N>,
nodePadding = 0.02,
scalingCoeff = 0.95
): void {
if (!hierarchyNode.children) return

// Calculate x0 and x1
const nodeLength = (hierarchyNode.x1 - hierarchyNode.x0)
const scaledNodeLength = nodeLength * scalingCoeff
const delta = nodeLength - scaledNodeLength
let x0 = hierarchyNode.x0 + delta / 2
for (const node of hierarchyNode.children) {
const childX0 = x0
const childX1 = x0 + (node.value / hierarchyNode.value) * scaledNodeLength - nodePadding / 2
const childNodeLength = childX1 - childX0
const scaledChildNodeLength = childNodeLength * scalingCoeff
const childDelta = childNodeLength - scaledChildNodeLength
node.x0 = childX0 + childDelta / 2
node.x1 = node.x0 + scaledChildNodeLength
x0 = childX1 + nodePadding / 2 + childDelta / 2

private _onNodeMouseOver (d: ChordNode<N>): void {
let ribbons: ChordRibbon<N>[]
if (d.children) {
Expand All @@ -370,6 +241,9 @@ export class ChordDiagram<
const leaf = d as ChordLeafNode<N>
ribbons = this._links.filter(l => === || ===

// Nodes without links should still be highlighted
if (!ribbons.length) d._state.hovered = true

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