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Pluggable caching engine to build and scale high performance cache services. See for documentation and more information.

What is CacheLib ?

CacheLib is a C++ library providing in-process high performance caching mechanism. CacheLib provides a thread safe API to build high throughput, low overhead caching services, with built-in ability to leverage DRAM and SSD caching transparently.

Performance benchmarking

CacheLib provides a standalone executable CacheBench that can be used to evaluate the performance of heuristics and caching hardware platforms against production workloads. Additionally CacheBench enables stress testing implementation and design changes to CacheLib to catch correctness and performance issues.

See CacheBench for usage details and examples.


CacheLib has one single version number facebook::cachelib::kCachelibVersion that can be located at CacheVersion.h. This version number must be incremented when incompatible changes are introduced. A change is incompatible if it could cause a complication failure due to removing public API or requires dropping the cache. Details about the compatibility information when the version number increases can be found in the changelog.

Building and installation with

This script is used by many of Meta's OSS tools. It will download and build all of the necessary dependencies first, and will then invoke cmake etc to build folly. This will help ensure that you build with relevant versions of all of the dependent libraries, taking into account what versions are installed locally on your system.


You can install system dependencies to save building them:

# Clone the repo
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd CacheLib
sudo ./build/fbcode_builder/ install-system-deps --recursive cachelib

If you'd like to see the packages before installing them:

./build/fbcode_builder/ install-system-deps --dry-run --recursive

On other platforms or if on Linux and without system dependencies will mostly download and build them for you during the build step.

Some of the dependencies uses and installs are:

  • a version of boost compiled with C++14 support.
  • googletest is required to build and run folly's tests.


This script will download and build all of the necessary dependencies first, and will then invoke cmake etc to build CacheLib. This will help ensure that you build with relevant versions of all of the dependent libraries, taking into account what versions are installed locally on your system. currently requires python 3.6+ to be on your path. will invoke cmake etc.

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd CacheLib
# Build, using system dependencies if available
python3 ./build/fbcode_builder/ --allow-system-packages build cachelib

Run tests

By default will build the tests for folly. To run them:

cd folly
python3 ./build/fbcode_builder/ --allow-system-packages test cachelib


We'd love to have your help in making CacheLib better. If you're interested, please read our guide to contributing


CacheLib is apache licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

Reporting and Fixing Security Issues

Please do not open GitHub issues or pull requests - this makes the problem immediately visible to everyone, including malicious actors. Security issues in CacheLib can be safely reported via Facebook's Whitehat Bug Bounty program:

Facebook's security team will triage your report and determine whether or not is it eligible for a bounty under our program.

Build status

Clicking on a badge will show you the recent builds for that OS. If your target OS's build is failing, you may check out the latest release. If the release is too stale for you, you may wish to check recent issues and PRs for known workarounds.
