Hello everyone - here's the new 0.64.2 patch release with some really good fixes that were asked by the community:
- Find-node.sh supports Homebrew on M1 (502b819049 by @dulmandakh)
- Refactor UIManagerHelper.getUIManager to return null when there's no UIManager registered (b0e8c1eac0 by @mdvacca)
- Fix ScrollViewStickyHeader to push up header above it (d754bdefc6 by @kacieb)
Android specific
- Font family is not apply when secureTextEntry is true (cda77c77dd83cba07e6c2e56e938c3e4f7faf8fc by @hank121314)
- Dimension update events are now properly sent following orientation change (a6a4d3365f17332e367c34357a07a73f97d6ec83 by @ajpaulingalls)
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release at this issue.
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the upgrade helper ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history over at react-native-releases