Hello everyone 👋 0.65.1 is out and addresses a couple of compatibility issues (with M1, with latest Android Studio), bumps react-test-renderer to the correct version in the template and fixes a colorProps issue for Android.
- Set
in the template (d272880 by @@rickhanlonii)
- Resolve NODE_BINARY after finding the right path to node (d75683 by @santiagofm)
Android specific
- ColorProps with value null should be defaultColor instead of transparent (842bcb902e by @hank121314)
- Android Gradle Plugin 7 compatibility (06e31c748f by @dulmandakh)
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release at this issue.
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the upgrade helper ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history over at react-native-releases