Objective: Implement an "echo HIDL" layer and a test application.
* Official Android Pie sources
* source build/envsetup.sh
* lunch aosp_x86_64-eng
* run emulator and see it's working.
* make hidl-gen to build hidl-gen tool
1)Create the Interface and interface files.
* mkdir -p hardware/interfaces/echo/1.0
* create the interface file IEcho.hal
* with hal file created, hidl-gen tool can automatically create the .h and ,cpp file for us
[email protected]
hidl-gen -o $LOC -Lc++-impl -randroid.hardware:hardware/interfaces -randroid.hidl:system/libhidl/transport $PACKAGE
* Above will create echo/1.0/default/(Echo.h, Echo.cpp)
* Inside Echo.h, uncomment the line IEcho* HIDL_FETCH_IEcho(const char* name);
* Inside the Echo.cpp file, uncomment the function IEcho* HIDL_FETCH_IEcho()
// comment:
It's better to use HIDL_FETCH_*(), now. This implementation will be removed in future Android releases.
* hidl-gen -o $LOC -Landroidbp-impl -randroid.hardware:hardware/interfaces -randroid.hidl:system/libhidl/transport $PACKAGE
* Above will create Android.bp files inside echo/1.0/default
* run the script, ./hardware/interfaces/update-makefiles.sh
* Above script will create an Android.bp files in echo/1.0/
* Create [email protected] and service.cpp file
* Update the echo/1.0/default/Android.bp file to build binaries for the hal service.
* mmm hardware/interfaces/echo/1.0/
* This will build the echo module alone.
view the output inside;
out/target/product/generic_x86_64/system/lib64/[email protected]
out/target/product/generic_x86_64/vendor/lib64/hw/[email protected]
out/target/product/generic_x86_64/vendor/etc/init/[email protected]
2)Update the manifest file
* Update the manifest file, to indicate passthrough or hwbinder mode. here we are implementing hwbinder method.
* update init.te, otherwise init won't be allowed to start the echo service.
(ps -A won't list the service)
3)Create Test Application
* Create a test application (echoTest.cpp and Android.bp file)
* ./hardware/interfaces/update-makefiles.sh
* mmm hardware/interfaces/echo/1.0
* Above will load the application to out/target/product/generic_x86_64/vendor/bin/hw/echo_client
- Build the entire sources and run the emulator
* m
* emulator
- Test the application
* lshal | grep echo; will list the echo service
* ps -A | grep echo; will show the service is up and running
* ./vendor/bin/hw/echo_client "MESSAGE TO BE ECHOED"