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Releases: farsightsec/go-nmsg

go-nmsg v0.3.0 released

27 Sep 19:27
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Version 0.3.0 of go-nmsg is released. This release adds support for the dnsobs message type. In detail:

go-nmsg (0.3.0-1) debian-fsi; urgency=medium

  * Add support for dnsobs message type.

  * Add facilities for translating vendor and message type names to and from
    numeric ids.

  * Fix bug leading to unnecessary fragmentation of NMSG containers.

 -- Farsight Security, Inc. <[email protected]>  Wed, 27 Sep 2023 18:07:00 +0000

go-nmsg v0.2.0

09 Feb 22:38
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Version 0.2.0 of go-nmsg was released. This includes the pure Golang NMSG library, the NMSG vendor base encoding modules for Golang, and Golang bindings to the C libnmsg library. The main change of this release is an update to use new protobuf library from