Hands on learning on AWS CLI, Console, core and integrated services
https://awsnewbies.com/cloud-practitioner/ https://www.udemy.com/aws-certified-cloud-practitioner-2018-practice-questions/ https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certification-prep/
- agile in increasing resources
- elastic scaling
- fault tolerance
- AWS Management Console
- CLI(Command Line Interface)
- SDK (Software Development Kit)
- Elastic Compute Cloud
Compute - Compute or server resources like web / db / mail / media server etc.
elastic - increase or decrease resources
- How to launch an EC2 instance
- Search for EC2 in the service
- Click Launch Instance
- Choose the type of server needed - Linux / Red hat / Windows etc.
- Then choose instance type - cpus/ memory needed etc
- Configure Instance - like number of instances needed etc.
- Add Storage - root storage , EBS additional storage
- Add tags eg : for uniquely identfying the instance
- Configure security group eg : type of access needed lik http on which port, ssh on which port.
- Download Putty to ?
- Session Host Name
- default user + @ + public DNS
- [email protected]
- SSH > Auth > Open (need to generate ppk file if it's not yet generated. Steps are describe below)
- Putty on Windows require ppk file, so need to generate that using the puttygen
- Open PutyGen
- Then click load and select the .pem file downloaded when creating the EC2 instance.
- then click save private key
- this will save it as a ppk file.
- then use that ppk file in the putty
- storage needed for the EC2 instances
- volumes can be HDD / SSD
- designed to be durable and available
- ssd -
- hdd -
- magnetic - for logs etc
- can have encryption too
- can change from hdd to ssd
to attach a volume to an instance
- it must be in the same availability zone eg: us-east-1b
- click volume > create volume > put the same availability zone as the instance > then click create volume
- click on volume > actions > attach volume >
> find instance > device = /dev/sdp
connect to an instance
- instance > select instance > connect
- then connect using putty - steps are described above
- lsblk - to list all the block storage volumes
- mke2fs /dev/xvdp - to create a folder (if there is super user issues type - sudo !!)
- sudo mount /dev/xvdp /mnt mount folder
- cd /mnt to move to mnt folder
- ls - to list the files
- vim file.txt ":q!" to save and exit
- mkdir folder - to create a folder
- mv fie.txt folder/ - to move to file.txt to folder
detaching volume
- select volume > Actions > detach volume
- simple api to storing and retrieving data
- put as many objects. can be even have millions of requests per objects
- store images / videos / server logs or event db snapshots
- low latency period due to the http / https requests
- use s3 privately through a virtual private cloud.
- can control using IAM to decide who can see data.
- by default all the data are stored privately
- how are the files saved ?
- Save files as key and object
- it's good practice to store key as file path eg: media/welcome.mp4
- what happens when you create a bucket ?
- when you create a bucket it's stored in multiple facilities in the selected region.
- grow automatically
- automatically scale
- how to access S3 ?
- Console
- SDL's
- s3 names must unique and DNS compliant
- Common use cases
- can be used to save user generated file
- static web hosting
- back and disaster recovery
- storing area for big data...
- how to create bucket ?
- click s3 > Create Bucket > enter bucket name > click create
- simply upload any file from your local storage.
- DOWNLOAD Amazon CLI to add data
- aws --version to make sure that it's installed successfully.
- C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI - default location of the CLI installed if it's x64 version.
- aws configure - to connect to AWS service
- generate the aws access key id & access key
- aws s3 ls - will list all the s3 buckets
- Creating a txt file using powershell
- new-item file.txt - file will be created
- set-content file.txt 'file content' - will set the file content
- get-content file.txt - will get the file content.
- how to copy a file from local storage to S3 using CLI?
- aws configure to connect to AWS
- AWS Secret Access Key : tH8A394XnQTeb7eFARAvWZRJhgeobHB1jLwf2HrS
- aws s3 cp file.txt s3://amazing-bucket-name/hello.txt : to upload the file.
- aws s3 sync ec2 s3://amazing-bucket-name/files : to sync a folder
- how to access the s3 bucket contents in the EC2 instance
- connect to EC2 instance using putty
- aws s3 ls s3://amazing-bucket-name --recursive : to see all the files
- aws s3 cp s3://amazing-bucket-name/hello.txt . : to download the local Ec2 instance
- cat hello.txt : to see the contents of file
- aws s3 sync s3://amazing-bucket-name/files folder : to sync from s3 to Ec2 instance
- can be broken down into 3 topics
- Regions - Geographical areas that hosts 2 or more availability zones.
- which region - optimize latency while minimizing costs & adhering to regulatory requirements
- can also deploy resource to multiple regions depending on the needs.
- resources are not automatically replicated to different regions
- not all services are available in all regions
- Availability zones : collection of data centers in a specific region
- each availability zone is physically isolated from the others
- but connected by fast low latency network
- Edge location : hosts the CDN(Content Delivery Network) / amazon cloud front
- cloud front is used to deliver content to the customers
- request for content are automatically routed to the nearest edge location.
- private, virtual network in the AWS cloud
- VPC will also acts like a own premise network.
- act like a built-in firewall for virtual service
- how to add a web security group ?
- Security groups > create security group > add name, description , http, https