Releases: fate-ewi/bayesdfa
v1.3.3 CRAN release
Add functionality for loo 2.7
v1.3.2 CRAN release
Release adds multiple versions for weights, and compatibility with new Stan
v1.3.1 CRAN release
Smooth trend DFA
This release fixes a small bug in how the B-spline was constructed (removing redundant intercept). Also improves estimation for P-splines, implemented via mgcv
CRAN v1.1.0
shorten string length in example
Stable release for cran
Fixed documentation, and reverted back to using a positive constraint on the diagonal of Z. Without this, there's a very small number of cases where the parameter estimates would 'flip' within a chain, leading to identifiability and convergence issues
New families and processing functions
Incorporating new families, flexible trend models, and CRAN submission
Flexible trend models
Added additional functionality to relax limits on AR(1) parameter (phi), MA(1) parameter (theta), and flexibility in estimated the standard deviation of latent trends. Also modified the data object passed in to be either a wide matrix (as previously done) or a long format data frame. The latter allows for multiple observations / time step. Finally, an additional and alternative constraint was introduced for Z, allowing elements to be modeled as a Dirchlet process, rather than conventional DFA.
Compatible with StanHeaders 1.9
0.1.3 hpp