The goal of this project is to train agents online in a modified game of life environment with two teams (blue and red), in which the goal is to maximize the proportion of the map of your color.
The game of life usually happens on a binary grid of dimensions MxN. A cell with 0 is called dead and a cell with 1 is called alive. The game starts with an initial state, and uses the following evolution rules:
- If a cell is dead, then it becomes alive if and only if it has exactly 3 alive neighbour cells (a cell has 8 neighbours, we count the diagonals too).
- If a cell is alive, then it stays alive if and only if it has exactly 2 or 3 alive neighbour cells.
Note that the map has a torus topology: the edges flip over.
In this project, we use a modified version with two teams, red and blue. The grid is now not binary, but ternary. A cell with 0 is still called dead, a cell with 1 is called red and a cell with -1 is called blue. The evolution rules are the same for red and blue (replace red or blue by alive), independently, but with one extra interaction rule:
- If a dead cell has exactly 3 blue neighbours and 3 red neighbours, nothing happens. It means in particular that alive cells from a given team have 'priority': if a red cell has 2 or 3 red neighbours but also 2 or 3 blue neighbours, it still stays red. Similarly, If a blue cell has 2 or 3 blue neighbours but also 2 or 3 red neighbours, it still stays blue.
Agents are added on top of the grid, and can freely move on it. They are part of one of the two teams (red or blue). They have 5 actions to move: stay, up, down, left, right. They also have a 6th crucial extra action: swap. This action, if used, does the following: if the agent is red, add +1 to the current cell, and if the agent is blue, add -1 to the current cell, and clip such that the value of the cell is always in {-1, 0, 1}. The effect is that an agent can kill a cell from the other team, or make any dead cell alive, with its team's color. If the action is applied on an alive cell of the agent's color, nothing happens.
The observation is an egocentric view of each agent, of only the grid (the agent itself and other agents are not included in the observation). The actions are described in the 'agents' section above. There is no explicit reward but rather a score G (sum of future rewards), which is the relative proportion (in percentage) of the map controlled by the agent's team. Note that we use a tangent transformation before passing to the agents to get a score between -infinity and +infinity. The reward can be easily obtained by computing G_(t+1) - G_t.
The parameters of the LSTM are the same for all agents. The only thing that differentiates the agents are their LSTM states.
We train using an Adam optimizer, and a very simply policy gradient loss without advantage (i.e. REINFORCE).
Launch a training + visualization with python3
Small circles are (random) agents. Scores in % are (number of cells of color X) / (number of red cells + number of blue cells), the relative part of the map covered by the team. The plot shows the scores over the last few seconds.