Biosnaker simplifies bioinformatic process by building, versioning, and hosting of your docs, automatically.
├── data
├── results
└── scripts
├── cluster.json
├── cluster.yaml
├── config
│ ├── bioinfo.yaml
│ ├── cluster.json
│ ├── cluster.yaml
│ ├── config.yaml
│ └──
├── config.yaml
├── deseq2.R
├── envs
│ ├── bioinfo.yaml
│ ├── py.yaml
│ └── sc.yaml
├── logs
│ └── debug.log
├── merge_counts.yaml
├── py.yaml
├── refer
│ ├── genetic_screen_human_metabolism_genes.txt
│ ├── human_metabolic_genes.csv
│ └── pathway_class_information.csv
├── Rscripts
│ ├── heatmap.r
│ ├── multi_group_DEA.R
│ ├── PLSDA.R
│ ├──
│ └── RNA-seq-DEA-function-repos.R
├── run_snakemake.pbs
└── snakefile
Biosnaker is a Snakemake workflow, aimed at performing a typical RNA-seq workflow in a reproducible, automated, and partially contained manner. It is implemented such that alternative or similar analysis can be added or removed.
Biosnaker consists of a Snakefile
, a conda
environment file (envs/environment.yaml
) a configuration file (config.yaml
) and a set of R
scripts, to perform quality control, preprocessing and differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. The output can be integrated with Python/R scripts for further analysis, allowing for more in-depth exploration and sharing of the results.
The config.yaml file contains several important parameter configurations that facilitate the automation of downstream data analysis workflows. The key parameters are as follows:
Sample List: The samples section includes identifiers for a series of samples that are the focus of the data analysis. These identifiers are categorized into different classes, such as P7-DTP, P7-Par, and P7-Reg, with each category further divided into sub-samples like D12, D4, D9, etc. Each sample sequence has multiple replicates, such as "1", "2", "3", "4", to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of the experiments.
Data Path: The path specifies where the raw omics data is stored, set to /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/Rawdata/.
Output Path: The output_path is the destination for the analysis results, configured as /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/outputs/.
Genome Index Path: The genome_index_path is used to store the genome indexes, supporting alignment for transcriptome data, specified as /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/ref/index/STAR/genome.
rRNA Index Path: The rRNA_index provides the reference index for rRNA to filter out rRNA fragments from the data, located at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/ref/index/rRNA/Homo_sapiens.rRNA.
GTF File Path: The GTF parameter specifies the annotation file for precise gene localization and functional annotation, at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/ref/index/GTF/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.110.gtf.
Count Matrix Script: The count_matrix indicates the script path for generating the gene expression count matrix, located at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/scripts/
Sample Information Script: The sample_info provides the script path for generating sample information, helping organize metadata about the samples, at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/scripts/
Pathway Information Reference File: pathway_info contains the file path with information about biological pathway classifications, available for reference in the analysis, located at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/scripts/refer/pathway_class_information.csv.
Human Metabolic Genes Reference File: The hm_gene lists human genes involved in metabolic processes, specified at /public5/home/t6s001510/data1/omics_data/scripts/refer/human_metabolic_genes.csv.
- Sample1
- Sample2
path: "Your_input_data"
sc_fastq_path: "Your_input_scRNA_data"
output_path: "output_path"
genome_index_path: "Your_STAR_genome_path"
rRNA_index: "rRNA_path"
GTF: "gtf_doc_path"
count_matrix: "scripts/"
sample_info: "scripts/"
pathway_info: "refer/pathway_class_information.csv"
hm_gene: "refer/human_metabolic_genes.csv"
cellranger_transcriptome: "path_to_cellranger_transcriptome_GRCh38-2020-A"
By default, the pipeline performs all the steps shown in the below. However, you can turn off any combination of the light-colored steps (e.g STAR
alignment or DRIMSeq
analysis) in the config.yaml
Advanced use: If you prefer other software to run one of the outlined steps (e.g. limma-voom
over DESeq2
, or kallisto
over Salmon
), you can use the software of your preference provided you have your own script(s), and change some lines within the Snakefile
. If you think your "custom rule" might be of use to a broader audience, let us know by opening an issue.