Control your harmony activities from ioBroker.
Install Harmony via ioBroker Admin. Adapter should automatically find your Hubs.
Start: Set the status state 'Instance.Hub_Name.activities.Activity_Name' to a Number greater than 0. During the activity's startup sequence the status changes from 1 (startup) to 2(running)
Stop: Set the state 'Instance.Hub_Name.activities.Activity_Name' to 0. Alternatively, you can set the hub's status 'Instance.activities.currentStatus' to any number. During the activity's exit sequence the status changes from 3 (stopping) to 0 (stopped)
There are two indicators 'Instance.Hub_Name.activity' and 'Instance.Hub_Name.connected'. Both are read-only, changing their values has no effect.
.hubConnected Tells you whether the adapter is successfully connected to the hub.
.hubBlocked Is set to true if Hub is busy starting/stopping activities or sending commands.
activities.currentActivity Gives you the name of the currently running activity.
activities.currentStatus Gives you the current status of the hub.
- 0 = inactive
- 1 = starting
- 2 = active
- 3 = stopping
activities.<activity name> Status of this activity. Values are the same as above.
Send Command
Set 'Instance.Hub_Name.Device_Name.command' to a number x to send command for x milliseconds.
A value smaller than 250 probably will send the command only once.
After sending the state will be set to 0 again.
- (foxriver76) reduce discover interval and only log newly discovered hubs
- (foxriver76) use at least 1.0.5 of harmonyhubws
- (foxriver76) compact mode compatibility added
- (Pmant) fix hold key (for values > 250ms)
- (Pmant) fix single key presses
- (Pmant) reduce log spam
- (Pmant) fix multiple instances of one hub
- (Pmant) switch to api module
- (Pmant) switch to websocket client
- (foxriver76) replace blanks by underscores
- (foxriver76) minor readme adjustments
- (foxriver76) discover interval 1000 ms by default again
- (foxriver76) added discover interval and port to code
- (foxriver76) discover interval is now 300 ms instead of 1000 ms
- (foxriver76) added possibility to specify subnet for discovery
- (foxriver76) fix translations
- (foxriver76) Logging improved
- (foxriver76) materialized index.html for admin v3
- (foxriver76) make sure callback in unload is called
- (foxriver76) updating code to es6
- (foxriver76) using maintained harmony libs for discover and client
- (foxriver76) possibility to only add whitelisted hubs
- (foxriver76) MAX_CLIENTS = 6 error fixed
- (foxriver76) enhanced logging
- (foxriver76) changes for new libs
- (justr1) fix error with hubname
please delete all harmony.x objects once
- (Pmant) fix problematic chars
- (Pmant) support multiple hubs
- (Pmant) removed hub config from admin
- (Pmant) find free Port for Hub-Discovery
- (Pmant) fix wrong port
- (Pmant) reduce logging
- (Pmant) fix admin in firefox
- (Pmant) improve connection stability (needs testing)
- (PArns) update harmony lib
- (PArns) removed unneeded functions due to lib update
- (Pmant) fix bug with blocked state
- (Pmant) fix hub lifecycle
- (Pmant) fix node 5.0.0
- (Pmant) fix node-xmpp-client version
- (Pmant) change: add instance after installation
- (Pmant) fix: deletes history settings
- (Pmant) fix: bug with wrong states
- (Pmant) change: object structure (delete instance once if had 0.2.1 or lower installed!)
- (Pmant) add: send commands for x milliseconds
- (Pmant) add: delete unused activities and devices
- (Pmant) add: delay commands when hub is busy
- (bluefox) change logo
- (Pmant) switch activity on state change
- (Pmant) stop current activity on hub status change
- (Pmant) move activities to activity channel
- (Pmant) add devices channel
- (Pmant) add device control
- (Pmant) hub discovery
- (Pmant) fixes
- (Pmant) keep alive connection to hub
- (Pmant) create/update objects and states
- (Pmant) update current activity status
- (Pmant) connect to hub
- (Pmant) listen for activies
- translations
Copyright (c) 20xx-2019 Pmant [email protected]