phpmyadmin-cli - bringing phpMyAdmin to the command-line.
MySQL databases are often managed using the popular administration tool phpMyAdmin. Unfortunately, automation and scripting of the commands available in the web-based interface of phpMyAdmin can be cumbersome.
phpmyadmin-cli provides a command-line interface for phpMyAdmin, providing easy command-line access to your MySQL database. Commands given on stdin are handed to phpMyAdmin to be executed on the MySQL database. The results of these commands are then printed to stdout. An interactive shell is also available.
phpmyadmin-cli is written in Python.
- Python 2.6+
- Requests
- PTable
- phpMyAdmin 3.x or 4.x
On most UNIX-like systems, you can install phpmyadmin-cli by running one of the following install commands as root or by using sudo.
git clone git://
cd phpmyadmin-cli
python install
pip install git+
Usage: phpmyadmin-cli [OPTIONS] database
-e, --execute=name Execute command and quit.
-E, --export=table Export specified tables, can be used multiple times.
-A, --export-all Export all tables.
-h, --help Display this help and exit.
-l, --location=url Location of phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/).
-p Prompt for password to use.
--password=name Password to use.
-s, --ssl-ignore Ignore bad SSL certificates.
-t, --timeout=n Http request timeout in seconds.
-u, --user=name User for login if not current user.
-V, --version Output version information and exit.
Import a sql file
$ phpmyadmin-cli testdatabase < database.sql
Export an entire database
$ phpmyadmin-cli --export-all testdatabase > database.sql
Export specific tables
$ phpmyadmin-cli --export article testdatabase > articles.sql
Execute a single query
$ phpmyadmin-cli -e 'SELECT di FROM article' testdatabase
ERROR #1054 - Unknown column 'di' in 'field list'
$ phpmyadmin-cli -e 'SELECT id FROM article' testdatabase
Using the interactive shell
$ phpmyadmin-cli testdatabase
Welcome to the phpMyAdmin command-line interface.
Copyright (c) 2014, All rights reserved.
This application is not affiliated with or endorsed
by the phpMyAdmin Project or its trademark owners.
phpmyadmin> SHOW TABLES;
| Tables_in_testdatabase |
| article |
| comment |
| user |
| access_log |
Query OK, 4 rows (0.05 sec)
phpmyadmin> DESCRIBE article;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| title | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| content | text | NO | | NULL | |
| created | datetime | NO | MUL | NULL | |
| created_by | int(11) | NO | MUL | 0 | |
Query OK, 5 rows (0.06 sec)
phpmyadmin> SELECT id, title FROM article ORDER BY title;
| id | title |
| 5 | Fifth article |
| 1 | First article |
| 4 | Fourth article |
| 2 | Second article |
| 3 | Third article |
Query OK, 5 rows (0.03 sec)
- No easy way to switch between different databases.
- Will probably break when using a non-default phpMyAdmin theme.
- When using stdin there will be no output (you can use
While phpmyadmin-cli should work with phpMyAdmin 3.x and 4.x, it has only been tested with on 3.3.10deb1, 3.4.4, and 4.1.11.
Q: Does phpmyadmin-cli work over https?
A: Yes it does. You can ignore bad certificates using the
Q: Was this an April Fools joke?
A: Yes, you should obviously use the mysql command when available. However, the application does fully work as described and, unfortunately, actual use cases for this application do exist.
This application is not affiliated with or endorsed by the phpMyAdmin Project or its trademark owners.