A chess engine written in Go.
Well, this is a chess engine highly inspired by chess-at-nite which I have written several years ago with my friends in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since I am interested in writting an application in Golang I thought of doing chess.
$ go get github.com/fdomig/gochess
$ godep restore
You might need to install godep
with github.com/tools/godep
$ gochess
You then may just enter a move in the coordinate notation (e.g. e2e4
auto, a let the engine play against itself
do, d search the best available move and play it
eval, e displays the current board's score
fen, f displays the current board position in the Forsyth Edwards Notation (FEN)
new, n start a new game
moves, m show a list of all possible moves
print, p shows the current board position
quit, q quits this game and the application
search, s search the current board position for the best possible move
undo, u undo the last move
- Use algebraic notation for input and display
- Make multi threaded with channels
- Use zobrist hash vor repetitions, score cache, etc.
Feel free to contribute and fix things via GitHub Pull Requests.