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Felix Garcia Borrego edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 16 revisions

This page describes how to connect the Chrome version of SimpleDockerUI to Docker, if you are using the native Desktop version you can check Windows Desktop version.

How to connect Docker UI for Chrome using docker-machine on Windows.

Docker-machine runs the default Docker with TLS enabled. To be able to connect to the Docker Remote API, we need to install the certificates used by Docker in Chrome.

  • Use docker-machine config default to find out where are the certificates we need to import in Chrome and the url to connect. In the screenshot below, the connection url is and the certificates are located in C:\\Users\\borre\\.docker\\machine\\machines\\default

  • Before installing, we need to package the certificate as .pfx:
    cd C:\\Users\\borre\\.docker\\machine\\machines\\default
    cat cert.pem ca.pem >> clientcertchain.pem
    openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in clientcertchain.pem -export -out import.pfx -passout pass:<Password>
  • To import the certificate in Chrome, go to Settings/Show Advanced Settings/Manage Certificates:

    • Import the Docker CA as a "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"

  • Import the import.pfx as a Personal certificate.

After installing, we need to restart Chrome (make sure all Chrome instances were closed). After that you should be able to connect to your docker remote api, test the connection in the browser with

How to connect Simple Docker UI for Chrome using Boot2Docker on Windows

The easiest way to connect to Docker Remote API is by disabling TLS. To do so, you need to:

  • Log into the boot2docker virtual machine:

boot2docker ssh

  • Add export DOCKER_TLS=no to the file /var/lib/boot2docker/profile (may not exist)

echo "export DOCKER_TLS=no" | sudo tee /var/lib/boot2docker/profile

  • Restart boot2docker
boot2docker down
boot2docker up

More info about how to disable TLS: