A set of interfaces to use third-party libraries within Essence.
Here is how to use a Doctrine cache throughout the application:
$Essence = Essence\Essence::instance([
'Cache' => Essence\Di\Container::unique( function( ) {
return new Essence\Cache\Engine\Doctrine(
new Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache( 'path/to/cache/directory' )
$Cache = new Essence\Cache\Engine\Cake( 'configuration' );
$Cache = new Essence\Cache\Engine\Doctrine(
new Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache( 'path/to/cache/directory' ),
$Cache = new Essence\Cache\Engine\Zend(
Zend\Cache\StorageFactory::adapterFactory( 'apc' )
$Http = new Essence\Http\Client\Cake( new HttpSocket( ));
$Log = new Essence\Log\Logger\Cake( 'scope' );
$Log = new Essence\Log\Logger\Psr( new CustomPsrLogger( ));
$Monolog = new Monolog\Logger( 'essence' );
new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( 'path/to/log/file' )
$Log = new Essence\Log\Logger\Psr( $Monolog );