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felixkmh edited this page Sep 17, 2022 · 8 revisions


Themes can provide an optional themeExtras.yaml config file in the theme root directory (next to theme.yaml). This allows to recommend extensions that are supported by a theme, provide banner images and link icons. Every property is optional with exception for the ThemeId.

public class ThemeExtrasManifest
    // Id in theme.yaml
    public string ThemeId { get; set; }
    // Recommended extensions that are used by 
    // this theme.
    public class Recommendation
        public string AddonName { get; set; }
        public string AddonId { get; set; }
        // Can be localised by providing a loc key starting withh `LOC`
        public List<string> Features { get; set; }
    public List<Recommendation> Recommendations { get; set; }
    // Files/Directories that are saved/restored 
    // if users changed them
    public List<string> PersistentPaths { get; set; }
    // Banners
    public string DefaultBannerPath { get; set; }
    // Files need to be named {SpecificationId}.png or {SpecificationId}.jpg where 
    // {SpecificationId} needs to be replaced with the specId of a given platfrom, e.g. pc_windows.
    public string BannersBySpecIdPath { get; set; }
    // Files need to be named {PluginId}.png or {PluginId}.jpg where 
    // {PluginId} needs to be replaced with the PluginId.
    public string BannersByPluginIdPath { get; set; }
    // Files need to be named {PlatformName}.png or {PlatformName}.jpg where 
    // {PlatformName} needs to be replaced with the platform name.
    public string BannersByPlatformNamePath { get; set; }
    // Files need to be named {SourceName}.png or {SourceName}.jpg where 
    // {SourceName} needs to be replaced with the source name.
    public string BannersBySourceNamePath { get; set; }
    // Height with which the banners are loaded into memory. Defaults to 50.
    public int? BannerDecodeHeight { get; set; }
    // Link icons need to be named {subdomainX...subdomain1.domain.tld}.png
    // {subdomainX...subdomain1.domain.tld}.ico or {subdomainX...subdomain1.domain.tld}.jpg.
    // e.g. and matches both 
    // and, but if is also available,
    // it will be preferred for the latter.
    public string WebsiteIconsPath { get; set; }

Note: Image files in PersistentPaths or image files that are inside directories in PersistentPaths need to be loaded with the CacheOption OnLoad. Otherwise they cannot be overwritten when restoring files after a theme update.


ThemeId: felixkmh_DesktopTheme_DH_Dawn
- AddonName: DuplicateHider
  AddonId: felixkmh_DuplicateHider_Plugin
  - Floating SourceSelelctor
  - SourceSelector in DetailsList
  - LOCReloadScriptsSuccess
- AddonName: ScreenshotVisualizer
  AddonId: playnite-screenshotsvisualizer-plugin
  - Show Button
- Images/Banners
- Images/Icons
BannersBySpecIdPath: Images/Banners/PlatformSpecId
BannersByPlatformNamePath: Images/Banners/PlatformName
BannersByPluginIdPath: Images/Banners/PluginId
BannersBySourceNamePath: Images/Banners/SourceName
DefaultBannerPath: Images/Banners/UnknownLibrary.png
BannerDecodeHeight: 75
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